Editing the settings for a campaign

Before getting started

If you need to edit elements concerning the whole campaign, you can do this via the Settings tab. However, only a few elements can be edited. 

Settings tab for the campaign

In this tab, you can: 

  • Change the title of the campaign
  • Change the campaign owner (this is the person who is notified in the event of an HR message)
  • Change the preparation and completion dates for all employees in the campaign (to change the dates individually, go to the Individual progress tab)
  • Editing the campaign category
  • Close the campaign and archive all non-completed reviews


Want to change something that hasn't been explained above?

If your campaign has been launched, the following data cannot be edited:

  • Preparation visibility
  • Additional approval
  • Employee validation at the end of the review
  • Activation of the "Feedback request" option or its template
  • Notification content
  • The template (adding or editing a question or filter)
    • We have decided not to allow editing of a campaign form that has already been launched. This is because all employees should have the same questions in their review. If an employee has finished completing their form, but one of the questions is edited during the campaign, they will not be able to go back to the answers given. What's more, the employees’ answers may no longer match the questions in the form if they have been edited. 
    • For example, if Daniel launches his campaign on March 1 and Valentin (employee) completes his preparation on March 2, whereas Marie (employee) has yet to start. If Daniel adds new questions on March 3, Marie will have the new version of the review, but Valentin will never see them because he will have already finished his preparation.

In these cases, the campaign that has already been launched must be closed and a new one launched.

To do this, follow these steps: 

  • Copy the campaign that you want to edit
  • Enter the required settings for the new campaign
  • Close the previous campaign
  • Relaunch the new campaign
Please note that this means that any reviews already started will be stopped.

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