Management of Timmi Absences settings

Before you get started

The general settings for Timmi Absences, some of which can be customized for each establishment can be found in Settings Preferences Settings.

The settings are organized into sections:

After setting the new values, confirm your choices by clicking on Save changes in the banner at the bottom of the page.

The changes made are tracked in the history accessible via the link provided for this purpose. 

Note: you can only access the module if you have permission to Configure. If your role does not give you access to all establishments, the template will be read-only and the edit history will not be accessible.

Leave requests

Double approval

Allow to define a second step approver for each user. When this setting is activated, you can credit the Second leave approver field in the user record, which will then activate a two-level approval workflow.


Requests in the past

This setting allows you to prohibit users from making requests that start in the past. When requests in the past are authorized, a warning is displayed for the user and manager during the approval process.

It is still possible to enter an absence in the past in the Schedule management Manage absences administration module.

Blocking restricted periods

This setting affects restricted periods defined in the Restricted periods modulein Settings Preferences Restricted periods. When deactivated, a warning is displayed to users making a request for an account subject to a restricted period.

Non-consecutive leave and Blocking consecutive leave

This setting is used to prohibit consecutive leave from two leave accounts or series of leave accounts. To do this, indicate the account numbers or roots and names (optional, this enables you to memorize the relevant accounts).

For example: if your Comp day (or Paid leave) accounts are numbered 31xx (41xx respectively), by entering 31,41,Comp day,Leave, you specify that Comp days and paid leave cannot be consecutive.

Users will then be warned or blocked depending on the value of the Blocking consecutive leave setting, but it will still be possible to override this in the Schedule management module.

Account upper limit and Blocking over upper limit

This setting can be used to set an upper limit of days taken in an account or series of accounts per request. To do this, indicate: the account root, the limit, and a name if necessary to memorize the relevant account.

For example: if your Comp day accounts are numbered 3118, 3119, 3120 etc., entering 31,1,Comp day will limit Comp days taken to one per request.

Users will then be warned or blocked, depending on the value of the Blocking over upper limit setting.

Clarification: to define upper limits on special accounts, it is better to go to the Settings Regulations Rules tab.

Check Saturday count for 6-day workweek.

By default, Timmi Absences blocks counting Saturdays beyond a certain threshold. This setting allows you to deactivate this check to always count Saturdays.

More information about managing working days can be found in the dedicated sheet.

Verification of the counting of part-time units

By default, Timmi Absences blocks counting part-time days beyond a certain threshold. This setting allows you to deactivate this check to always count part-time days.

More information about managing part-time work can be found in the dedicated sheet.

Authorize a request without days not worked if the balance is insufficient (working, calendar, part-time)

By default, Timmi Absences authorizes requests to be submitted where the days not worked at the end of the absence cannot be counted due to insufficient balance.

For example, an employee who wants to take a week of Paid leave (2020/2021) but only has 5 working days left on that account can submit their request without a Saturday. 

By indicating "No", the employee is forced to start the following account (Paid leave 2021/2022) or another account in working days (e.g.: Extra days for splitting paid leave 2020/2021) to count the Saturday. 


Smileys when a request is made

This setting is used to configure the smileys displayed when paid leave is requested, on the Request page.

Attendance sheet and Attendance sheet text

These settings which can be customized for each establishment allow the attendance sheet displayed on an employee's Request page to be activated and any comments to be added.

More information about attendance sheets can be found on the dedicated help sheet.

Accruing accounts

The Balance table on the Timmi Absences home page displays all the accounts with a balance by default.

This setting - which can be customized for each establishment - blocks accruing accounts from being displayed in the employee balance table. The account will also be blocked in the allocation window, when a request is made, if it is not authorized to be taken during this period.

Start of yearly schedules

If your company has an annual cycle that differs from the traditional civil calendar, you can define the month when your annual cycle starts here (e.g.: September in the education sector). 

This means that on your employees' Request page, the individual schedule in 12 month view (display option) and the Annual Summary table (under Personal tracking) will start on the selected month. 

Advanced settings

Automatic adjustment of entitlement for departures

This setting is used to activate entitlements to be automatically adjusted in the event of an employee leaving during the period, for accounts where the accrual takes place in full at the start of the period. When this setting is deactivated, the employees concerned will move into Actions to be taken for manual processing.

Account used for settlement

This setting is used to specify the offsetting account for the accounting entries recorded during employee settlements.

Accounting entries for employee settlements can be accessed in Reports Accounting entries, by filtering with the BALANCE ledger code.

Automation of settlement

This setting is used to activate the automatic execution of employee settlements; when it is activated, you can set:

  • the recipient who will receive the completed employee settlements report, from the employees authorized to make employee settlements;
  • the timing, in relation to the employee's departure date;


Supporting documents management

The setting has 3 statuses:

  • Access to absence details: anyone with access to absence details will see the Supporting documents block (and will be able to add/delete supporting documents, if they can edit the absence).
  • Permission to View and manage absence supporting documents: this allows supporting documents to be hidden from employees without this permission. For example, if you want to hide supporting documents from managers, you can add the "View and manage absence supporting documents" permission to administrator roles only.
  • Deactivated for all. When this setting is deactivated, it is no longer possible to enter or view the supporting documents associated with absences in Timmi Absences.

Remember, the supporting documents are visible / editable in various Timmi Absences modules, depending on access permissions to modules or absence details. This page details how to add or view a supporting document.

Explicit approval of the first step

This setting is used to define whether the employee must explicitly approve their request when they are their first approver. Otherwise, the step is automatically approved.

Transfer of requests

This setting is used to give all approvers the ability to transfer a request pending approval. When this setting is disabled, transfers are authorized by administrators only.


Calendar event (ICS) and multi event ICS

You can decide to add a calendar event - .ICS type attachment - to Timmi Absences notifications (absence request, absence entered from Schedule management). You can select the standard format or the Meeting request format (Exchange 2003 compatible).

If you have Exchange or Gcal synchronization using our dedicated synchronization module, this setting must be deactivated.

Finally, for Lotus users, activate multi-event management via the multi-event setting.

Social security number required

This setting is used to specify whether the Social security number is a required field in the payroll export.

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