Comparing Counters with Payroll

Background information

If you have accrual regularisation rules in payroll in accordance with certain absences, you can enter them in the ‘Adjust’ module in Timmi Absences.

Be advised, however, that some rules are not customisable (rules that apply to seniority, multi-criteria proration, etc.). Timmi Absences will also suggest you compare Timmi Absences and payroll counters in order to regularise Timmi Absences counters with those calculated via payroll.

The module lets you compare:

  • accrual: comparison of the total accrual on a Timmi Absences account with payroll accrual (we recommend you use: Timmi Absences to manage absences, payroll to manage accrual);
  • balances: comparison of Timmi Absences balances with payroll balances.

How to compare entitlements with payroll

In Timmi Absences > Credit/debit > Compare with payroll, you can access this module and choose whether you want to compare the accrual or balances.


Comparing values: accrual or balance?

Comparing entitlements earned

Accruals are compared to regularise entitlements earned by employees and calculated at the end of the pay period or, more precisely, after leave and absences are exported from Timmi Absences and imported into payroll. Therefore, it is necessary to tell Timmi Absences what pay period to examine (generally, to compare entitlements on the 5th day of the month, you would compare entitlements earned as of the 31st of the previous month).

Click Browse to select your file or drag and drop it directly into the box.

For an accrual comparison, you must indicate:

  • the accrual reference date: usually the last day of the month of the last pay period.
  • what entry types to consider in Timmi Absences (optional): all general ledger codes corresponding to accruals are taken into consideration by default, but you can configure this if needed (and only if you know what you are doing).

After clicking on Compare, Timmi Absences will display the line-by-line comparison with any errors or warnings, if applicable.

Comparing balances

Balance comparisons are only relevant if all absences exported by Timmi Absences were properly integrated into payroll: otherwise, the balances calculated in payroll may not have taken into consideration absences recorded in Timmi Absences but not yet exported. Therefore,

To compare balances, you must specify:

  • the period and date of Timmi Absences’s last reference payroll export: in order to compare balances accurately, Timmi Absences must know which absences were exported to payroll. Therefore, it will refer to the payroll export records.

File format

You can use either CSV or Excel (.xlsx) file formats.

You can download a file template from the module’s homepage. You can select the legal entities and accounts wanted in order to get a file in the correct format with the users already pre-filled.


Users can be identified either by their legal entity and employee number or by their login name. One of the two methods is mandatory.

The file must include the following columns:

  • Legal entity (if identifying by LE/Emp. no.): legal entity’s name or code
  • Employee number (if identifying by LE/Emp. no.): employee’s payroll number
  • Login (if identifying by login name): the employee’s login name
  • Last name
  • First name
  • Account no. 1
  • Account no. 2
  • Account no. 3
  • etc.

The file must include at least one account column. The possible number of accounts is unlimited.

If you use exact account names, they will be recognised automatically. Otherwise, they will have to be matched up manually.

Example of a file with identification by legal entity and employee number:


Example of a file with identification by login name:


After you click on ‘Compare’, Timmi Absences displays the line-by-line comparison with any errors or warnings, if applicable.

If you notice a discrepancy, a click of the mouse will adjust the Timmi Absences counters.

Possible warnings (non-blocking):

  • The employee’s name does not match their employee number or login name: this line should be verified as this may be caused by an error in the employee number or login name.

Possible errors (blocking):

  • The account is not recognised: the name of one or more accounts was not recognised, so the account(s) must be selected manually.
  • The employee number does not exist or is incorrect
  • The legal entity does not exist or is incorrect
  • The login name does not exist or is incorrect
  • Duplicate lines (two lines concerning the same employee)
  • A value was entered for an employee on an account to which they do not have access (the account entered is not part of the regulation for the employee’s legal entity)
  • A value was entered for an employee for whom the importing administrator does not have access rights (legal entity missing from their role or employee not included in the scope of the administrator’s comparison rights)

For each Timmi Absences line you will see:

  • the value in the file
  • the value in Timmi Absences
  • the suggested adjustment (value in the file - value in Timmi Absences)


You can then download the table (the 3 columns above) or save the adjustments in Timmi Absences.

Important: if you compare an accrual for the current month before the last day of the month and you save the adjustments, Timmi Absences will then not trigger the accrual for this month. The adjustment will replace the Timmi Absences credit.

Import records

All adjustments to entitlements made using the Compare with payroll module are visible in the records, which can be accessed from the module’s main page.


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