Adding an approver and carrying out reviews with two managers

Before getting started

You need to involve an approver in addition to the reviewer in your review process, for example to:

  • Obtain CEO agreement for an annual pay rise or review campaign
  • Involve a member of the HR department for a long-term leave return review, or an end of trial period review
  • Include a second manager or a project/commercial pairing for an end-of-mission review or a quarterly review

This help sheet explains how to set up this option in reviews.

Add the option in the process

In the "Campaigns" tab, open an existing campaign or create a new campaign. In the "Process" page, between the employee's completion and validation step, you will see an option concerning the approval.


Several advanced scenarios are now possible: 

  • You want to enable a department manager, or an N+2, to give their approval on a pay rise or annual review campaign > use the different hierarchical ranks proposed.2024-06-19_17-56.png


  • If you need to involve someone specific, such as a member of the management team, or the HR team, you can choose a specific employee. 2024-06-19_17-57.png


  • A third option, if you have the HR File, is to use simple user data to associate specific profiles, such as an HR contact or a project pair. 2024-06-19_17-58.pngTo see how to add this data to the HR File, see this help sheet Creating simple data in the HR File.
If the additional approver needs to view the responses, don't forget to check the dedicated permission, even if the approver is the campaign owner.2024-06-19_18-00_1.png

Overview for the employee and reviewer

The review is not affected by this option for these two participants. A visual indication of the additional step simply appears above the review form.


Overview for the approver

Once the review has been completed by the reviewer, an email notification is then sent to the approver:


A new tab becomes available in the left-hand menu (1): the employee can see the reviews for which they must take action (2) , then approve or refuse them (3)


The approver has two options: 

  • Either they approve and can add an optional comment. This comment will be visible in the PDF report to the employee and reviewer, as well as in the export of a campaign's reviews.

  • Or they refuse and leave a comment that can be seen by the reviewer via a notification. In addition:
    • The review automatically returns to the previous step: it is once again at the status "To be completed." The employee does not need to republish their preparation.
    • The review preparation and responses are saved. The manager can then edit the review responses, then republish the review.
    • Once the review has been republished by the reviewer, the review returns to the approval step.

Overview for the administrator

On a campaign configured with an additional approver, a "review approver" column appears, in order to manage the campaign:




Special cases

Review with 2 managers

It is not possible for two managers to be assigned to the same review preparation and execution task.

How to manage their review process in such cases.

Option 1 - Add an approver (if you are subscribed to Poplee Core HR)

As indicated in this section of the help sheet, it is possible to create a new, simple “Second Manager” or “Manager 2” data item of “User” type (more information in this help sheet) which you will then call up in the campaign configuration.



In the campaign process, indicate manager n°1 as the reviewer, and manager n°2 as the approver, by selecting “A user type based on data from a HR file”:

The Second Manager will be able to see the answers given during the review.

Option 2 - 360° review

It is also possible to activate the review request form, so the N+2 manager can answer one or more questions to evaluate the employee.

To do this, activate the feedback request in your campaign and set the feedback request to "1" by the reviewer (manager 1). 

The reviewer can then choose the N+2 manager to give their feedback on the employee.

For more information on 360° feedback requests: Setting up a 360° review campaign

No approver or approver identical to reviewer

Some settings will be blocked or have automatic repercussions:

  • If the approver is also the reviewer
  • Or if the approver is not found

In these cases, you will be alerted by a non-blocking message in the configuration.


If a campaign has already been launched and changes are being made to HR file data, the approval stage will be automatically cancelled, and the review will proceed directly to employee validation.

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