Before getting started
Since fall 2022, the distribution of payslips has no longer been based on the social security number but instead only on the first and last names of employees. This means that you need to watch out for employees who have the same name!
Distributing documents other than payslips
You can still distribute documents other than payslips as long as certain conditions are observed. The first and last names must be:
- Indicated on the document
- The same in both Lucca and payroll
- Displayed on a single line in the document
- Only separated by a space
Adapting your documents
When distributing files without a social security number for the first time, you may find that certain documents are not automatically distributed. In some cases, you’ll need to adapt your documents in order to help Pagga Payslip identify the employee who needs to receive the document. Here’s a list of cases for which you’ll need to adapt your documents:
The first and last name are not available on one of the pages of the document ⇒ Solution: Add the employee’s first and last name into the header of the document.
The data on the payslip doesn’t match the data in Lucca. For example, on the payslip it says “Chloé De Alibert” but in Lucca it says "Chloé Alibert" or "Chloé Alibert-Garcia" ⇒ Solution: Update the data either in payroll or in Lucca to make sure that they match.
There is a typo in the first name or last name ⇒ Solution: Update the data either in payroll or in Lucca to make sure that they match.
The first and last name are on two different lines => Solution: Put the first and last names onto the same line on the payslip.
The first name and last name have been separated. For example: Last name: Alibert First name: Chloé ⇒ Solution: Delete all of the characters between the first name and last name in your document, so that "Alibert" and "Chloé" are on the same line and only separated by blank spaces.
There are multiple first and last names in the document ⇒ Solution: Add the employee’s first and last name into the header of the document, preceded by "pagga:". In this example, it should look like this: "pagga:Alibert-Chloé". There is no mandatory format for this identifier; you just need to make sure that it appears in the page header and in the color, font, and font size that you want.
Here’s an example of a certificate containing the first and last names of Agathe and Chloé. You add the identifier into the header so that Pagga Payslip knows that the recipient of this document is Chloé.
There are two first and last names in the document; the recipient isn’t a Pagga Payslip user ⇒ Solution: Add the recipient employee’s first and last name into the header of the document, preceded by "pagga:". In this example, it should look like this: "pagga:Alibert-Chloé".
Multiple employees in your company have the same first and last names => First of all, these documents will need to be manually matched in Pagga Payslip. Pagga Payslip’s analysis engine will only return results for employees with the same name.
The employee associated with the document has left the company => We automatically match employees for up to a year after they have left your company. Beyond this period, you will no longer be able to match a document with that employee via Pagga Payslip. When distributing this document, you will have the option to download and distribute it manually at the end of the distribution process.
The content of the document is in image format ⇒ Solution: Add the employee’s first and last name into the header of the document, preceded by "pagga:". In this example, it should look like this: "pagga:Alibert-Chloé". Alternatively, you can edit the PDF creation system to generate text content.
Having trouble?
If the issue that you’re encountering isn’t included in this list or if you can’t make the required edits, please contact the help desk to let us know via this form.