Before getting started
Each year, employees need to complete reviews to assess and track their performance. Poplee Performance has been designed to allow users to easily complete and keep track of their reviews.
Accessing your reviews
You can access your reviews in progress in your Lucca space via > Poplee Performance > Reviews > My reviews.
Then, click on one of the forms to open it and answer the questions.
You'll receive an email notification when you're concerned by a review campaign. This message lets you know the subject of the review and the manager who'll be leading it with you.
Participating in a campaign
In their "My reviews" space, users can access a list of their reviews: both past reviews and reviews in progress. Among the reviews in progress, the user may sometimes be responsible for the action to be taken to move the process forward.
When a review campaign has just been launched, they will see their photo or their initials above the step that they are responsible for. If they click on it, they will be able to access the preparation of their review.
If the review includes an introduction, it will be automatically expanded for anyone involved in the review (employee being assessed, reviewer and second approver) the first time that they view it. For subsequent viewings, the introduction will be collapsed but can be reopened if needed.
For the body of the review, the responses and updates are saved automatically. This means that the user can start preparing their review, take a break from it, and come back to it later. All their updates will be saved.
Once the preparation is complete, the user must click on "Publish your responses".
The reviewer will then receive an email notification letting them know that the preparation has been completed and that they can carry out the review when they like.
Depending on the settings configured by the administrator when the campaign is launched, the reviewer may or may not be able to see the responses before the review is completed.
At any point, the user can print their preparation or export it as a PDF by clicking on "Print":