Document generation - How to prepare the file for the document template


To generate a document from a template, you must create a document template in Poplee Core HR. Before that, you need to prepare the template in your favorite text editing software. 

The document must be a MS Office (.docx/.dotx) or an OpenOffice (.odt/.ott) file.

You will include in the file different references to information about employees that are stored in Lucca (mostly from the HR files). These references are wrapped in double curly brackets, e.g. {{firstname}}. 

You can use 4 different types of information : 

• Information from the hr file : {{firstName}, {{lastName}}, {{email}}, …
• Custom information, that will be filled manually in for each generation {{custom_

HR file information

You can include different employee information in a document template : 
• His work contracts information,
• All simple value data from the HR file (multi value and files are not supported for now),

Employee information

Data name Tag to include in the file Output example
First name {{firstName}} Valentin
Last name {{lastName}} Bresnier
Civil title {{civilTitle}} Mister
Contract start date {{dtContractStart}} 12/17/2013
Contract end date {{dtContractEnd}} 12/12/2021


{{csp}} Engineer
Address {{address}} 123 Main Street, New York, NY 10030


{{iban}} FR7640618802760004015133137

Bank name

{{bankName}} BNP
Personal e-mail {{personalEmail}}

Professional e-mail


Seniority date

{{seniorityDate}} 04/17/2013

Date de naissance

{{birthDate}} 07/20/1977


{{department}} Consulting

Job title

{{jobTitle}} Engineering manager

Manager (Last & first name)

{{manager}} Marie Bragoulet

Employee number

{{employeeNumber}} 3015


{{nationality}} France

Social security number

{{insuranceNumber}} 189053706302035

Personal mobile number

{{personalMobile}} 06 23 90 12 67

Professional mobile number

{{professionalMobile}} 06 23 69 87 41
Theoretical annual remuneration (from Pagga Remuneration) {{theoreticalRemuneration.amount}} £46 281
Legal unit name {{establishment.legalUnitName}} Lucca FR
Legal unit identification number {{establishment.legalUnitIdentificationNumber}} 362 521 879
Legal Unit Activity Code {{establishment.legalUnitActivityCode}} 29.10Z
Establishment name {{}} Lucca Paris
Establishment identification number {{establishment.IdentificationNumber}} 123 568 941 00056
Establishment  activity Code {{establishment.ActivityCode}} 29.10Z
Establishment address {{establishment.addressStreet}} 25 boulevard des capucines
Establishment zip code {{establishment.addressZipCode}} 75009
Establishment city {{establishment.addressCity}} Paris

These information are the most commonly used. The complete list can be find in the Data management module : 



Custom information

Custom information are used for information that depends on each employee but which are not stored in Lucca. These information will be provided manually with a simple text area for each generation.

Custom information are formatted the following way : {{custom_information title}}

Example : {{custom_additional comments}}

Please note that you might leave them blank to generate a document. 


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