Before you get started
In Timmi Absences, as administrators, you have the option of adding leave accounts adapted to your internal organization as closely as possible. Once completed you will have the option of deleting an account or archiving it.
If you have archived a leave account, the action will not be irreversible. It can always be restored. This will be explained below.
Delete an account
To delete an account, click the delete icon in Settings Accounts.
You cannot delete an account once it has been used. So, it will have to be archived so it does not appear again in the current modules.
Archive an account
You can archive an account when it is no longer in use. This is applicable for old accounts (e.g.: Comp day 2015) or when settings are made (e.g.: change from working days to business days).
Archiving allows you to hide the account in regularly used modules (Request, Schedule management, etc.) while keeping the history (Reports, etc.).
Go to Configure Accounts. Find the account or category to archive, then click on the "Archive" button.
The conditions for archiving an account are:
- no pending requests (approval, cancelation)
- no future absences
- balance at 0
If the conditions are met
The pop-up gives you the option of confirming or canceling the action.
If the conditions are not met
You are invited to check them. You will be sent to the modules allowing you to correct them.
- If requests are pending approval, you can approve or reject them in the Approval tab.
- If future requests have been made, you can cancel or re-schedule them in the Schedule management Manage absences tab.
- If employees have a balance that is not zero, the balances can be reset to zero in Credit/Debit Manual adjustment Collective adjustment.
Cancel the archiving of an account
Archiving is reversible. If you want to recover the use of an archived account, start by viewing the archived accounts:
Find the account to be unarchived and click on "Unarchive".