Background information
The first time you log in, the list of expenses will be empty unless you already entered expenses using your computer.
The action button
At the bottom right of the screen, the ‘+’ button groups together all the actions you can carry out:
- Submit your expense report (if expenses are already entered in your interface)
- Enter a mileage expense
- Enter an expense
- Take a picture of your receipt and create an expense
If your company enabled this feature, Cleemy Expenses analyses these images to automatically fill in the associated expenses. See the ‘Automatic recognition of receipts’ section of this article.
Mileage expenses
Many users primarily enter mileage expenses. For this reason, there is a shortcut for directly entering mileage expenses from the action button on your list of expenses.
In this case, when you open the form, the nature will be set to mileage, which you can enter, and all you have to do is fill in the expense’s empty fields and save. Using the mobile app’s recent values system, multiple fields will already be entered based on fields indicated in the last expense entered.
Using your Cleemy Expenses configuration, you can enter mileage expenses by entering a distance or a starting point and destination. In the second case, you can enter an address or take your position at the time of entering the address.
You can also add one or more steps to your journey (up to five) and loop your journey using the ‘Round trip’ button.
Because changes to expenses are saved progressively, you can start to enter an expense and then go do something else: when you find it again, it will be as you left it.
This is very practical for mileage expenses: take your position in the Cleemy Expenses app when you get into your vehicle, drive, then finish your journey when you arrive.
Automatic recognition of receipts
If automatic recognition of receipts is enabled
When you take a picture of a receipt, Cleemy Expenses creates an empty expense and starts automatic recognition of the receipt to collect the information on it. When all the information is obtained (date, amount, expense nature, etc.), the expense will be automatically completed and will appear in your list of expenses.
If automatic recognition of receipts is disabled
The photo of the receipt will be linked to an empty expense with an invalid status. You can complete this expense manually after the fact.
Warnings and invalid expenses
After a few seconds, if your expense has warnings or errors, these will appear in the area to the left of the receipt.
Non-blocking warnings will appear in orange, while warnings that prevent an expense from being submitted in an expense report will be in red. Important: an expense can be marked invalid without a warning appearing if there is a limit on the number of submissions in a given period.
Managing guests
You must have an Internet connection to enter guests. Without Internet, only the last 5 guests entered will appear in your ‘Recent guests’ list.
For external guests, if you want to create a new guest, you must start to enter the first letters in their name: this will prevent you from creating duplicates if one of your colleagues already met with them.
Foreign expenses
To select the Foreign expense option, tap the 3 dots to the right of the amount.