Delete a specific absence day

Before you get started

When an employee is absent for several days in a row, the approval request and the cancelation request are made as one request. To cancel a specific day of leave, the employee must make a cancelation request to their manager or HR department according to the permissions of their respective roles.

To edit a half- or whole day of their request, an employee must (exceptionally) contact their manager, if the latter has access to schedule management, or if not, their administrator.


  • I request an absence from August 1 to 15. My absence is approved.
  • On August 9, I decide I would like to cancel this leave and return to the office for professional reasons, on August 14.
  • I make a request to my manager or administrator.

An employee may be authorized to partially cancel their own remote working

Change absence

The administrator must then cancel this leave in Schedule Management. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Select the relevant employee
  2. Select the day to edit / cancel.
  3. Choose the duration that needs to be edited / canceled: full day, morning or afternoon. 
  4. Remove absence
  5. Select people to notify
  6. Add a message if needed
  7. Save

Canceling this duration will automatically recredit the balance of the leave account.

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