Before getting started
Timmi Absences can interface with Microsoft Teams to display absences of the day in your team channels.
This help page describes the steps to integrate Timmi Absences into your Microsoft Teams workspace.
Prerequisites for implementing synchronization
Add the Lucca application to Microsoft Teams.
Log into Microsoft Teams. From the team management menu, click Applications > Other Applications and search for the Lucca application.
Click on the Lucca application and then Add to a team. In order to be added, the team needs to be public rather than private.
Choose the channel in which you want to post absences of the day and display the Schedule tab, then click on Configure.
Then ,in Timmi Absences > Configure > Integrations, click Create New Integration, choose Microsoft Teams - Absences of the day, and then Connect.
In the next screen, you may need to authorize Lucca once again to post messages in your Teams workspace. These access rights are necessary for integration to function properly.
You now need to create an integration for the channel in which you want to post today's absences.
- If you want to post today's absences for all Teams users in a single channel (for example, General or Absences of the day), you will only need one integration;
- To display today's absences in several sub-channels, you will need to create one integration per team.
You will need to complete the following information for each integration:
- the establishment(s) and/or department(s) concerned (this filters the employees included in the absences of the day)
- the relevant Teams members
- the channel in which absences of the day will be posted (mandatory). The channel must exist if you want to post absences in a dedicated channel. You must first create it in Teams.
- the language of the messages
- the scheduled time the message is to be sent to Microsoft Teams
- frequency (every weekday or 7 days a week)
Once you have created the integration, you can test it. This sends an immediate absences of the day message to Microsoft Teams.
An integration can also be deactivated without deleting it.
Can I edit the name or image of the bot?
No, this information cannot be changed.
What languages are offered?
For now we offer French, English and Spanish. If you would like to use an additional language, please send your request to the Lucca help desk using the contact form at the top of the page.
Why can’t I find a private team or channel?
Microsoft Teams APIs do not permit the use of private channels. This is why they do not appear on Timmi Absences. It is possible to post in a private team provided that the selected channel is public.
One of my employees has submitted a leave request which has not yet been approved but I can see it displayed in the channel for absences of the day. Why?
The integration with Teams behaves in the same way as the "Absences of the day" section in Lucca Home, which considers an employee to be absent even if the request has not yet been approved. The integration with Slack also behaves in the same way.