Annual summary

Before you get started

To make it easier for employees to monitor their absences and to retrieve all the details of the leave taken, Timmi Absences offers the ability to consult the individual annual summary. You can filter the information on a given period.

Where can I find the annual summary?

In the Personal follow-up block at the bottom right of the Request page, you can view the Annual summary of absences and of work time.


Absence days counted from a part-time day of rest or Saturday in working days are specified.

The table can be downloaded in Excel format.

Some statistics are shown: 

  • Number of days of absence per day worked
  • Number of days worked (half-days declared on a day off in Timmi Timesheet are included here). 


For users with an hourly work cycle:

  • the "Number of days worked" counts all the days with at least one worked period
  • there are also statistics in hours: 
    • Theoretical hours (according to the work cycle and any exceptions entered in Schedule Management)
    • Hours of absence
    • Hours worked (hours declared on a day off in Timmi Timesheet are included here)
    • Difference (between the theoretical hours and the accumulation of hours absent and worked)



Note: For Timmi Absences and Timmi Timesheet users, differences in the number of days worked may exist between the Timmi Timesheet reports and the Timmi Absences annual summary, particularly in the following situations:

  • When the employee has declared time on hourly activities on a day off;
  • When the employee has declared staggered hours (example: the first part of the day does not start in the morning).

In this case, refer to the information in Timmi Timesheet.

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