Configure the absence approval workflow

Before you get started

Timmi Absences allows you to set up a multi-step approval workflow to ensure compliance with your leave and absences management rules. This sheet explains how to set up this approval process. 

Configure approval levels

In Settings - Preferences - Worflow, you can define the expected approval steps for absence. There is a single process for all requests, regardless of the type of absence or the relevant people.

There is no limit on the number of approval steps, but we strongly recommend not to exceed 2 or 3.

Defining the approver

For each step, you can enter an approver of your choice from:

  • the manager
  • the manager's manager
  • the head of department
  • the customized Timmi Absences approver (previously Second Leave Approver)
  • a specific user.

The customized Timmi Absences approver is entered in the user sheet and allows you to define a person other than the manager as approver. As with the Manager field, you can enter the user themselves if you want this approval step to be skipped.

Ensure all steps of the process

You can force requests to go through certain steps by activating the blocking setting. This blocks the previous step if the approver is not found. An approver may not be found if they are not entered in the user sheet (or in the department administration), or if they no longer have an active contract (if they have left the company).

Note: if the approver is not found and this step is mandatory, the request cannot be approved, and it requires an administrator to complete the missing data.

Warning if approver not entered

Timmi Absences displays a warning for each step if approvers are not entered for certain employees. If the step is not blocked, it means that it will not be applied for all the employees reported by the warning.


If you click on the number of employees, you will get a list to complete the information. It is possible that approvers whose contracts have ended are still displayed in the user sheet, so please check this information.

Configure additional notifications

You can configure an additional notification when the request is fully approved.


Enable choice of approver

It is possible to let some employees choose their own leave approver, for example in the case of a project manager who may be changed frequently.

This requires the creation of a role with "Choose your approver” permission. The scope defines which users the approver can be selected from.


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Note: the choice of approver applies to all stages of the approval process.

By default, the suggested approvers are those in the approval process.

You can view the list of employees who can choose their approver from the process configuration page.


Configure notifications for accounts without approval

You can configure notifications when requests are made on accounts without approval. This feature is very useful for giving employees more flexibility and autonomy, while ensuring that managers remain informed.

It is in the account settings (Configure Accounts) that you can choose whether or not they are subject to approval.

Notifications are activated from the Approval process configuration page, in the Accounts not subject to approval block.


The link allows you to display all the accounts without approval available to employees (accounts reserved for Sick Leave administrators are not suggested). You can then choose a person to notify when entering.

Please note: the notification is only sent when the employee enters the data in the Request module. It is not sent when the absence is entered by an administrator from the Schedule Management module.

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