Pagga Meal vouchers FAQ

General settings

I don't have access to the role settings

If you do not have access to the role settings, contact:

  1. Your administrator for the existing Lucca app. They can add Pagga Meal vouchers for you on the existing roles.
  2. With the Lucca help desk if your administrator can't add the app on existing roles.

I have Timmi Absences but I don't have Cleemy Expenses (expense reports). Can I still use the app?

Oui. The calculation of the meal vouchers will then only take into account the absences of your employees (and not their meal expenses). You may be able to adjust this calculation manually.

I have Cleemy Expenses but I don't have Timmi Absences (leave), can I still use the app?

Oui. In this case the calculation of meal vouchers will only take into account the meal expenses of your employees (and not their absences). You may be able to adjust this calculation manually.

Calculation rule definition

In which cases do I have to create several regulations?

You must create multiple regulations in the following cases:

  • The calculation rules for allocating meal vouchers are different from one establishment to another.
  • The issuer for ordering meal vouchers differs from one establishment to another.
  • The currencies of your establishments are different. You must create one regulation per currency.

What holidays and absences are deducted?

The deducted leave and absences are those which have been:

  • Performed on leave or absence accounts specified as "will deduct vouchers during the calculation" of the meal vouchers (see regulation settings)
  • Validated in Timmi Absences
  • Done during the calculation period or the previous month depending on the regulation settings

Which expense reports are deducted?

The expense reports or invitations deducted are those which have been:

  • Done on the expense types specified as "will deduct a voucher during the calculation" of the meal vouchers (see regulation settings)
  • Approved and exported in Cleemy Expenses
  • Done during the calculation period or the previous month depending on the regulation settings

Are the expenses/absences entered in the past taken into account?

Pagga Meal vouchers can be used to recover "delays". What we call "delays" are all the absences and expenses that are entered in the past and before the period for taking into account expenses and absences.

Exemple :

My regulations are configured to take into account the days worked in the current month and the expenses and absences in the previous month.

I am currently in the distribution process for the November period. The app will therefore retrieve all absences and expenses for the period of the previous month: October.

If an employee enters an expense/absence in November dated March 12, i.e. 8 months before, then the app will deduct a meal voucher from this employee for the period of November.

If an employee cancels an expense/absence in November dated March 16, then the app will credit a meal voucher to this employee for the period of November.

These regulations will be visible in the details of the calculation and on the individual situation of the employee for the distribution of the month of November.

I have only one type of "meal" expense without distinguishing between lunch and dinner. How to distinguish between the two

Two distinct types of expenses must be created to distinguish between the expenses that will or will not be deducted from the vouchers when calculating meal vouchers.


To create a new type of expense, you can consult this page: Create an expense type

How to configure a new absence account?

For each absence account of Timmi Absences attached to the establishments of the regulation, you must specify whether or not it will deduct meal vouchers during the calculation. 

If an absence account deducts meal vouchers, this means that, for each day of absence taken on this account, a meal voucher will be withdrawn.

If a new absence account is added in Timmi Absences or has not yet been configured for a regulation, the following error message appears at the distribution level: "The configuration of the absence accounts is incomplete".


Click on the blue "Access to settings" link or open the "Settings" menu followed by the "Absence impacts" tab.

For the new absence account (e.g. "Partial unemployment"), you must specify whether or not meal vouchers are deducted during the calculation of the meal vouchers:


The new absence account and any changes made will be taken into account in the future calculations.
Until all the accounts have been configured, the error message "Define the impact of the absences linked to these absence accounts for the calculation of meal vouchers" appears and the regulation is not valid.

How to configure a new type of expense

For each type of "Restaurants and invitations" type Cleemy Expenses, i.e. lunch and dinner in general, you must specify whether or not it will deduct meal vouchers during the calculation.  

If a type of expense is deducted from the vouchers during the calculation, this means that for each expense or invitation of this type, a meal voucher may be withdrawn.

If a new expense type is added in Cleemy Expenses or has not yet been configured for a regulation, the following error message is displayed at the distribution level: "The settings of the expense types is incomplete".


Click on the blue "Access to settings" link or open the "Settings" menu followed by the "Expense impacts" tab.

For the new expense type (e.g. "Dinner"), you must specify whether or not it affects the calculation of the meal vouchers:


The added expense type and any changes made will be taken into account in the next calculations.
Until all expense types have been configured, the following error message appears: "Define the impact of expense reimbursements associated with these types for the calculation of meal vouchers", and the regulation is not valid.

How to change the value of the meal vouchers

To edit the face values and contribution for the meal vouchers, use the Settings menu and choose a regulation.

In the "Meal vouchers" tab, if no order has yet been placed, you can directly edit the face value of the voucher or the value contributed by the employer.

Otherwise, you can add a future value. To do this, click on the "Add future value" button, enter the validity start date and the future values, then save. In the following example, the face value and the employer's contribution go from €10 / €5 to €11 / €6 from September 1st.


You can also access the history of all the values by clicking on the "See history" link. Active values are highlighted on a yellow background.

If an establishment is attached to the country of France, in accordance with the rules of the URSSAF, the value contributed by the employer must not be less than 50% of the face value of the meal voucher. 

Meal voucher calculation result

Why does one of my employees have a negative balance?

Your employees may have a negative balance following a calculation. There are several reasons that can explain this: 

  • Long-term leave (sickness, maternity, etc.). My regulation is based on the days worked for the current period (21 days in November) and recovers the leave from the previous month (22 days in October). My balance will then be -1.
  • Late expense report. If the employee submits more expense reports than the number of days worked over the period, then they will have a negative balance.
These negative balances are not used by the app. You then need to be prepared to make manual adjustments over the following months.

An expense report is not deducted?

If an employee's expense report is not deducted during a calculation, there may be several reasons for this:

  • Check that the status of the expense report is "Exported". If it does not have this status, it will not be taken into account by the app during the calculation.
  • Check that the employee does not have an absence with an "Approved" status on the same day. If there is already an absence on the day of the expense report, then the app considers that a second meal voucher should not be removed.

An employee is not included in the calculation even though they don't have any exclusion rules?

If they have an "other - external" type contract, they will be automatically excluded from the calculation.


Ordering meal vouchers

Which meal voucher issuers are managed?

The following issuers for ordering meal vouchers are managed: Swile, Edenred, Sodexo. Other issuers are under study. If your meal voucher issuer is not in the list, you can select the "Other" issuer.

The "Generate order" button is missing

You can generate meal voucher orders only for current or expired periods. The app will allow meal vouchers to be generated for the following period (for advance orders).

This means that if you are in the month of September, for example, you will be able to generate the order for the periods of August, September and October, but not for the period of November. For the November period, only the "Relaunch the calculation" button will be displayed.

The "Delete order" button is missing

You can delete the meal voucher order only for the last order generated for a regulation.

For example, if you generated the order for the month of September, you can delete it but you cannot delete orders made in previous months, e.g. August.

Accessing the history of an order

Once the 1st order has been placed to access the order history for the previous periods:

  1. Open the Distribution menu
  2. For the regulation concerned, click on "See history".
  3. By default, the previously ordered period is open. You can change the period by choosing the period from the drop-down list.
  4. The order for the selected period opens.



I want to export a period later than the one I am offered:

(1) You have never done an export: You can edit the start date in Settings > Manage the establishment(s) > Delete the establishment > Add a new establishment > Enter the new start date and finally generate your export.


(2)You have already made an export:You can generate the file for the previous period, making sure that all expense reports and absences have been sent to payroll. You have the option to use manual accruals if needed. 

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