Before you get started
Every month, Pagga Meal vouchers calculates the number of meal vouchers to distribute to your employees, based on the number of worked days, absences and expenses. It generates a file that you can integrate or use on your interface for issuing meal vouchers in order to launch the order.
Before performing your first calculation, you must define your scope, and your calculation and distribution rules. If you haven't done so yet, you can check out this article: Defining rules for distribution.
Launching the meal voucher calculation
To calculate meal vouchers over a period:
- Open the Distribution menu.
- Click on "Calculate the period of..." for the regulation whose calculation you want to launch. The calculation will start during the specified period.
- If some employees have joined or left the company during the calculation period (or if there have been organizational changes), a dedicated screen opens to display these movements.
- Click the "Validate and calculate the period of..." button.
The progress of the different steps of the calculation appears.
Calculation in progress
During this calculation, you can leave the page and the calculation will continue to run in the background.
When the calculation is in progress, a gray banner appears and you can click on "View progress" to display the progress of the calculation.
Once the calculation is complete, the detail of the calculation results for each employee is displayed.
Completed calculation
When the calculation is finished, a green banner appears displaying the date of the calculation. You can click "Go to results" to access the details of the calculation.
Calculation with warning
When you come across a special case, e.g. the arrival or departure of an employee, an orange banner appears with the number of warnings found. You can click "See warning(s)" to display them. For more information, you can open this article: Understanding the warnings during the calculation.
Displaying calculation details
A table displaying the results of the meal voucher calculation appears, for all the employees during the calculation period.
In the header, the total number of meal vouchers to be distributed is indicated as well as the number of employees and the number of new employees during the period. You will also find a link for exporting the table of results in CSV format.
For each employee, you will find the following information for the calculation period:
- Full name of the employee
- Number of days eligible for acquiring meal vouchers
- Number of absences
- Number of expenses (or invitations)
- Number of manual adjustments made
You can conduct a search by the employee's first or last name, and sort the columns.
Viewing the calculation details by employee
To display the meal voucher calculation details for an employee, click on the line corresponding to the employee.
At a glance, you can consult and above all understand the details of the calculation of the number of meal vouchers for this employee during the current period:
Number of days eligible for acquiring meal vouchers (e.g. the number of public holidays or the number of part-time days counted)
Details of the deductions following employee absences
Details of the deductions following the reimbursement of the employee's lunch or entertainment expenses by another employee
Details of the +/- adjustments done over the period
You can obtain the detail of the number of days eligible for the calculation of meal vouchers by clicking on the blue info icon (e.g. the number of public holidays or the number of part-time days counted).
For each absence, expense or adjustment, the following is specified:
- If it is an addition (+) or a withdrawal (-) of meal vouchers
- The number of meal vouchers concerned
- The date of the day of the event
- The type of the event (name of absence account, expense type or comment for the manual adjustments)
The following is also specified at the level of the expenses:
- If the expense report was made by the employee, the expense report number will be displayed.
- If the employee was invited by a colleague, the last name and first name of the employee who invited them will be displayed.
Ajouter une régularisation manuelle
You can add a manual adjustment for an employee for the meal voucher calculation period that has just been completed but for which no order has been generated. For more information you can go to this page: Adding a manual adjustment for an employee.
Launching the order
If the period has expired, you can launch the meal voucher order. You can read the "Ordering meal vouchers" article to find out more.
Deleting a calculation
You can delete a calculation for which no order has been made. To do this:
- Open the Distribution menu
- Click the trash can next to "Finished calculations..." in the green banner to delete the calculation
- Click on "Delete" to confirm the deletion.
- The calculation is deleted.
You can restart a new calculation by clicking the "Calculate the period of..." button.