Manage your establishments and legal units

General definitions

To better meet your organizational needs, we propose to base your environment on two organizational concepts: the legal unit and the establishment. 

The legal unit (SIREN) corresponds to the legal entity, and the establishments (SIRET) are the geographically separate production units. 

A legal unit has to have one establishment, but may also have several. On the other hand, an establishment cannot be attached to several legal units, including when the latter operate in the same place. 

By more accurately representing the organization of our client companies, we help you to better manage exports to payroll, but also give you an additional level of analysis in our modules. 

Use in Lucca

In Lucca, a company is represented externally and legally through its establishments and legal units.

The latter also constitute a central configuration element because they will be used to define a set of specific rules in all Lucca software (exports to payroll and accounting, time submission rules, access restriction etc.).

They are also in the consultation modules (reporting, scheduling etc.) to allow an additional level of analysis.

The Legal units and establishments module

This interface allows you to configure your establishments. The module is accessible from the cog wheel 


General operation

The module allows you to update your legal units and establishments and create links between them. 

A legal unit is defined by:

  • A unique name
  • A code
  • A country
  • Your SIREN number and your NAF code (for France only). 

An establishment is characterized by:

  • A unique name
  • A code
  • An address in the country of its legal unit
  • A SIRET number and a NAF code for France only.
  • A time zone (Timezone)
  • The public holiday calendar

The time zone is required data. It will allow your employees to synchronize their calendars and their absences in Timmi Absences in consistent hours / days.


It is possible to archive an establishment or a legal unit. The conditions are as follows: 

  • Archiving a legal unit: no establishment should be attached to it
  • Archiving an establishment: no active users should be associated with it
Before archiving an establishment in Cleemy Expenses it is essential to ensure that all expenses have been submitted, approved and/or checked, paid and exported before doing this. If this is not the case, once the establishment is archived, the expenses will be blocked in the creation status.


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