Before you get started
Cleemy Expenses enables you to authorize, refuse or send an alert when an expense is incurred while an employee is absent: on weekends, public holidays or during their vacations.
In order for Cleemy Expenses to take account of public holidays and employee leave, you must also have the Timmi Absences solution.
Managing alerts and blocks
There are two ways of modifying the settings related to alerts and blocks:
Controls over absences
You can modify these settings in Cleemy Expenses by going to Settings > Controls over absences.
Each type of expense can have a different status, which you set by choosing one of the three possible options for each type.
- Authorized: Cleemy Expenses performs no particular checks on the expense date.
- Alert: the user is alerted when the expense is submitted. The user’s manager and the controllers then see that the expense report contains a potentially irregular expense. This information is displayed in the lists of expense reports that they have to process, as well as when they open the expense report in question.
- Blocked: the user is warned that they cannot submit any expenses for this day. They cannot save the expense report..
The "Consider weekends as days worked" box enables you to deactivate controls on weekends and public holidays. This is useful if your employees are frequently traveling during these periods.
You can also modify this setting individually in Cleemy Expenses by going to Settings > Types of expenses.
By selecting the type of expense concerned, you can change its settings in the window on the right. You then have access to "Profiles and controls on submissions", where you can choose whether an expense incurred during an absence is authorized, refused, or whether it generates an alert for the employee, manager and controller.
To find out more about the different rules and controls you can set up, go to the Setting controls for a type of expense page.