Optimise your Onboarding Procedures: New Hire, Change of Contract, Return from Long-term Leave…

Background information

The onboarding procedure is the key point to a successful integration of your future co-workers into the company. Thanks to this, you will have the opportunity to coordinate all different actions to execute internally, as well as to reassure the co-worker on his or her future integration.

The Poplee Core HR module aims to make this procedure as simple and appropriate as possible. An onboarding procedure has 3 main elements:

  • A welcome e-mail sent to the future co-workers,
  • A form allowing you to collect the individual data of the co-worker (included in the welcome e-mail),
  • And a list of tasks to be performed out internally.

In this help article, you will find examples and tips to configure your onboarding procedures, if they are not final yet, or if you are simply looking for new practices.

You will also find that this module will help you manage situations other than the arrival of a new co-worker, such as contract changes or the return from a long-term leave that might require a special follow-up.

Arrival of a new co-worker

Welcome email and form

After a new arrival, you will have to deal with legal obligations, which require that you retrieve personal data of the co-worker. The form, which is available thanks to the link in the welcome e-mail, will allow you to collect this data.

The most frequently requested data in the form are the following:

Pre-employment declaration (DPAE):

  • Title (Mr, Mrs,...)
  • Surname and first name (to be checked by the employee)
  • Birth name
  • Date of birth
  • Birth place
  • Social security number
  • If the co-worker is a foreigner, you will also need to collect a work permit.

Payment of the employee's salary and, if applicable, the reimbursement of expenses:

  • Bank name
  • SWIFT codes
  • IBAN
  • Scan of the Bank Identity Statement

You can also ask the future co-worker to fill in their HR file with the information you wish to collect in a more generic way, such as:

  • Photo (to personalize Lucca)
  • Contact in case of emergency
  • Post address
  • Proof of transportation to cover transportation costs
  • Scans of his ID document
  • Family situation
  • Children
  • ...

All the data in the HR file can be integrated into your forms.

If a piece of data was made mandatory, the form cannot be submitted until the co-worker has filled it in.

Additionally, you can customize the welcome e-mail to provide your future colleague  with information and documents that will help preparing their arrival:

  • Introductory readings on the profession, the company, ...,
  • Documents to be completed and/or signed,
  • Company rules and regulations,
  • Links to external resources,
  • ...

Task list

A new arrival also requires the mobilisation of many co-workers and departments: the manager, team members, a sponsor, general, IT and HR departments, ... The role of these different parties will be to ensure that legal obligations are all respected and that the co-worker's integration is taking place in the best possible conditions.

To do so, you can create tasks dedicated to the legal obligations:

Name of the task Manager Due date
Retrieve the signed contract Initiator of onboarding 30 days after the launch of onboarding

Registration of the employee on the single personnel register

Initiator of onboarding 30 days after the launch of onboarding

For foreigners: check the work permit

Initiator of onboarding 30 days before the start of the contract

Make the pre-employment declaration

Initiator of onboarding 8 days before the start of the contract

Retrieve documents for the mutual and provident societies

Initiator of onboarding On the day of the start of the contract
Organize the medical check-up Initiator of onboarding 15 days after the start of the contract

These legal tasks can be added to operational tasks to prepare the arrival of the co-worker on the site.

Name of the task Manager Due date
Prepare a desk Head of General Services* 15 days before the start of the contract
Prepare a computer IT Manager* 15 days before the start of the contract
Add user rights and profiles on Lucca solutions HR Manager* 7 days before the start of the contract
Create access to internal tools (mailbox, Slack, Zendesk, intranet, ...) IT Manager* 7 days before the start of the contract
Provide an access badge Head of General Services* On the day of the start of the contract

You will also be able to add tasks to ensure that the co-worker is well integrated into the team and the company:

Name of the task Manager Due date
Notify the team Manager The day of the launch of onboarding
Name a sponsor/buddy Manager 15 days before the start of the contract
Send the list of recommended readings before arrival Manager 15 days before the start of the contract
Present the training programme Manager On the day of the start of the contract
Organise the welcome lunch Manager On the day of the start of the contract
Organise a tour of the site HR Manager* On the day of the start of the contract
Debrief after the first day Manager On the day of the start of the contract
Debrief after the first week Manager

7 days after the start of the contract

Debrief after the first month Manager 30 days after the start of the contract
Debrief after the trial period Manager 90 days after the start of the contract

*In the task settings, you will be able to choose a specific Co-worker who will, by default, be responsible for this task for each onboarding procedure; or to indicate that the Co-worker assigned to the task is to be defined while launching the procedure.

Change of contract

Recruiting a co-worker on a permanent contract following an internship or a fixed-term contract is frequent, and involves certain specific legal procedures

Thanks to the onboarding module you can, for example, create a list dedicated to the transition from an internship to a permanent contract:

Name of the task Manager Due date
Send a new contract The initiator of onboarding The day of the launch of onboarding
Communicate documents for the insurance company and the life insurance policy The initiator of onboarding The day of the launch of onboarding
Sign and return the new contract Co-worker* 2 days after the launch of onboarding
Sign and return the documents for the insurance company and the life insurance policy Co-worker* 2 days after the launch of onboarding
Retrieve the signed contract HR Manager* 5 days after the launch of onboarding
Make the pre-employment declaration HR Manager* 5 days after the launch of onboarding
Updating the staff register HR Manager* 5 days after the launch of onboarding
Paying social security charges HR Manager* 5 days after the launch of onboarding

For these tasks, we advise you to set dates related to the launch date of the onboarding so that their reference dates are not those of the first contract.

As for the welcome e-mail, you can personalize it to inform the co-worker of the implications of this change of contract (eligibility to the insurance company, to preventive healthcare, access to union delegates, ...), while the form will help you to ensure that the information in the HR file are up to date.

The return of a co-worker following a long leave of absence

The special cases of long absences such as parental leave, sabbatical leave or long-term sick leave also entail legal obligations which you can follow up with specific task lists:

Name of the task Manager Due date
In the events of a long-term sick leave: Plan the medical check-up for the return to work Initiator of onboarding The day of the launch of onboarding
Schedule a professional interview on the return of the Co-worker HR Manager The day of the launch of onboarding
Schedule a follow-up after 1 month HR Manager The day of the launch of onboarding
Plan an update on the training and refresher courses required Manager 15 days after the launch of onboarding

In this situation, the welcome e-mail will allow you to wish the co-worker a safe return, while the form will ensure that the information in the HR file is always up to date after this long period of absence.

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