The Onboarding module

Background information

If you need to adapt the Onboarding process to each new employee profile that joins your company, then look no further!

By configuring several welcome email templates, several forms and creating different task lists in the module, you can select the most suitable configuration to welcome your next employee.

Below we show you how the module works.

If you would like examples or tips, go to our complementary sheets: Optimize your onboarding procedures: new hiring, change of contract, return from long-term absence, etc.

Set up and customize your templates

From the navigation menu that appears when you click on the Co-workers button on the banner, you will have two interfaces:

A settings interface

Co-workers > Settings > Onboarding


The configuration interface is divided into three parts:

Welcome emails

The welcome email is the email sent to the personal email address of the future employee when the onboarding is launched. This email contains the link to the HR and administrative data form that you will use to prepare the new employee's arrival. You can create as many email templates as you wish, and define a default one that will be preselected when launching the onboarding.


In the same way as the welcome email, you can create several data forms in order to adapt the information to be collected according to the employee's profile.

Task lists

When you launch an Onboarding procedure, you must select one or more lists of tasks that will have to be done to prepare the arrival of the employee. You must first create the tasks before adding them to different lists.

A task can be attached to several lists.

An Interface to manage the launch of an Onboarding.

Co-workers > Onboarding


This interface allows you to start and follow each of the processes involved with your future employees.

The procedures are divided into several categories:

- To start: corresponds to future or recently arrived employees for whom no process has yet been started.
- Ongoing: corresponds to all onboarding procedures in progress, for which the form has not been completed and/or all tasks have not been performed.
- To close: the form has been completed and all tasks have been performed. All you have to do now is make sure that the employee has been integrated and close the onboarding to archive it.
- Archived: this category allows you to find the history of all onboarding procedures.

Features to remember

History of procedures General information available: You have visibility at all times on all procedures that have been closed, interrupted or cancelled (not started voluntarily).

Restart an onboarding Onboarding procedures: Several situations may require you to restart an onboarding process for an employee: in the case of a return to the company, a change of establishment or if you have inadvertently interrupted a procedure in progress, for example.

Simply type the name in the search bar and click on "Start a new onboarding".

Add attachments to welcome emails Onboarding: You can attach documents in the welcome emails (documents to read, to complete ...).

Task manager based on a data from the HR file Task Manager: You can choose a personalized data from the HR file as task manager (IT manager, sponsor ...). This option is available if there is at least one user type of personalized data in your HR file.

New tags available Customize: You can further customize welcome emails and tasks with new tags (department, job title, manager ...).

General information available General information about the employee is available next to his/her name.

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