How to download the payslips for an employee who has left

Before you get started

Below, you will find how to access your distributed payslips, once you have left the company.

If an employee leaves, do they have access to their payslips?

Yes, provided that their personal email address is entered on their employee file.

When the employee leaves, send them with their access details: 

  • The URL for accessing their secure Pagga Payslip space:
  • Connection mode: The employee can identify themselves using the connection code sent to their personal email address.

For more information, open our dedicated help sheet.

What are Pagga Payslip's guarantees?

Lucca undertakes to keep the distributed payslips for 50 years. We guarantee their availability for the same period via the online service

If the employee wants to edit their personal email address, providing access to their payslips, you can edit them in their user file: Edit a user's file

In the event of the termination of the contract between your company and Lucca, the employee will always be able to access their payslips stored on Pagga Payslip from the following site:

Guarantees regarding data security

Pagga Payslip is a solution that was developed by Lucca to deal exclusively with the issue of distributing payslips. The French legal system imposes precise and rigorous standards for protecting these documents.

Pagga Payslip encrypts all the flows of information between the user and the server hosting the payslips.

The data of our customers are stored on our dedicated servers at OVH (European market leader) in Strasbourg and Roubaix, which is ISO27001 certified.

A backup is also provided by Microsoft Azure in Paris. This means that the hosting and data security is of the highest standard.

For more information, do not hesitate to open our data security documentation: Lucca - Computer data security.

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