Starting an Update Request

Background information

After a few years of use, data in the HR file naturally becomes obsolete. Addresses are not changed after a move, bank information is not updated after changing banks, etc.

Although employees can change this information themselves, HR departments often have to send update requests by email without being able to track them.

Creating an update request in Poplee allows the HR department to ensure that employee data are up to date, distribute information en masse and individually track each employee’s updates.

A few examples

These are the main ways they are used:

Updates: Sending a form to everyone in the company to verify basic information (surname, address, BIC, IBAN, etc.) a year after starting to use Poplee.

New data: Starting a request after adding new data to the HR file, only for the piece of data in question. Example: as part of organizing first-aid training, you need to make a list of all the employees who already have this training. You add the first-aid certificate data into the HR file and send an update request  regarding this information.

Rolling Poplee out to a new population: Using the HR file at a new site. You import information you have in your ‘your Excel sheets’ and ask this new population to check/enter this information.

Activating the module

Go to the cogwheel at the top right, then to ‘Roles’. You will have to activate the ‘Manage update requests’ permission.

Four steps for starting an update request


This ‘Update requests’ module will allow you to:

  1. Choose a populationmceclip3.png
  2. Choose the list of data to update (address, emergency contact, BIC, etc.)mceclip4.png
  3. Email the form to every employee to enter/update the information. The subject and body of the email can be changed according to your needs and the message you want to send to your employees. mceclip5.png
  4. Track the requests’s progress and remind stragglers en masse.

It is possible to track the progress of updates for each employee (‘Completed’ or ‘To complete’).


You can also remind employees who have not updated their information via a reminder email, like the one below:


Please note that if an employee’s data has not changed, they will still have to go into their file and confirm that the information entered is still correct.

Pro tip: you can give your request an added friendly touch with emojis using the Windows + ‘;’ or cmd ⌘ + space shortcuts.




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