Background information

If you want to export certain expense natures to payroll so they appear on payslips (mileage expenses, for example), you must configure the payroll chart so the natures are associated with the right wage types. You can access the configuration interface for payroll charts from the settings menu.


Creating a payroll chart

In the left-hand section of the interface, there is a button for creating new payroll charts. If your legal entities are not all in the same country, you have to choose a country to create the payroll chart for.

The interface lists payroll charts that were already configured and lists the legal entities linked to each chart. A chart can be linked to as many legal structures as you want, but a structure can only have one payroll chart. Legal entities linked to a payroll chart must all be located in the same country.

Simply click on a payroll chart to view or edit it. Legal entities without a payroll chart are shown under the list of payroll charts.

Configuring a payroll chart

Name and linked legal entities

After selecting a payroll chart, the top of the section to the right of it allows you to change its name and copy it. The ‘Legal entities’ field under the name allows you to add legal entities to this payroll chart, by clicking on the field and selecting what entity to add from the list that appears.

You can duplicate a chart by using the copy button (two overlapping sheets) to the right of its name.

Expense accounts

Each expense nature is posted to payroll on a given payroll account or ignored during exports; several natures can be linked to the same account. You can make this link in the ‘Expense accounts’ tab.

There are three columns in the tab:

  • Accounts list
  • Account code and attached natures
  • Unassigned natures


The accounts list groups together all the accounts created in this payroll chart, including a ‘Not exported’ entry where you can indicate the expense natures you do not want exported to payroll, such as corporate expense natures that do not need to appear in the DSN [French reporting system] (if you process them separately in accounting).

The ‘Create a new account’ button adds an entry to the left-hand column and allows you to configure the account code in the centre column.

There may be several elements in the account code: constants (i.e. a fixed alphanumeric code) or variables (retrieving information related to employees). Generally, a single constant is sufficient for creating the account code as it needs to appear in payroll.


The right-hand column lists all the expense natures not assigned to any account. Simply click on one of these natures to link it to the account selected in the left-hand column. The natures linked to the account then appear in the centre column.

VAT accounts

This tab lists all the VAT types and rates used in the chart of accounts’ countries: simply provide the payroll account code where each type of VAT must be allocated.

You can allocate multiple VAT rates to the same account: the export will make the appropriate groupings.

Advances accounts

Only punctual advances can be exported from Cleemy Expenses. They will appear on the export files on three accounts:

  • Advances granted to an employee over the period, which are exported as a positive amount and correspond to debit entries posted on the employee’s advances account from the advance management module
  • Advance reimbursements, when an employee returns the outstanding amount of an advance they received to an administrator. These advances are exported as a positive amount and correspond to credit entries posted on the employee’s advances account from the advance management module. Allocate them to another account for granting advances.
  • Expense report advance offsets, to be deducted from the expense reimbursement. These entries are generated when an expense report is created by an employee whose advance account is not balanced. These appear in the payroll export as a line with a positive amount.

Configuring the payroll export

After finishing this configuration, remember to enable the payroll export in the management rules. Otherwise you are unable to retrieve the payroll file.


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