Using the Payment Module

Background information

If you are on this page of our help centre, it is because you configured your payment module yourself or you want to figure out how it works. Either way, you are in the right place.

As a reminder, this payment module allows you to process expense reports in Cleemy Expenses and generate a payment file in one of the following formats:

  • SEPA files to be integrated into your online banking or bank connectivity software
  • SEPA files with a payment slip
  • CSV lists with a variety of information on employees (including their employee number) and the amount of their reimbursement

SEPA files exclusively apply to the Euro zone.

Introduction to the module

Broadly, the payment module shows:

  • Filters to focus on the expense reports you want to pay.
  • A summary of amounts to be reimbursed to your employees. When you click on an employee, you can view the details of the payment they will receive (reimbursed expense reports and any adjustments to previous payments). You can also individually deselect certain employees if you do not want to pay their expenses just yet.
  • A tab for accessing your payment history.
  • A button for paying what is selected.


The different types of expense reports considered in the menu

The payment module considers all expense reports that:

  • are note paid yet, specifically, those that are unmatched.
  • are approved and controlled (or approved as a minimum, if your settings allow payment of expense reports that have not been controlled).
  • are ‘Co-worker’ expenses. ‘Company Card’ expense reports cannot be paid.
  • belong to a user whose personal account is in the black. If an employee’s account is in the red, because paid expense reports were later denied, for example, they cannot be reimbursed until their balance is above 0.
So, there is no risk of paying the same expense report twice. If you change an expense report after it is paid, the next payment will only incorporate the difference in the amount.

Filtering the expense reports to pay

You can target what is of interest using various filters. You can then individually remove certain users by unticking them in the list.

The following filters are available:

  • Legal entity: since Cleemy Expenses generates payment entries within its internal accounting, the separation of accounts by company prevents you from making payments across multiple companies at the same time.
  • Department: this lets you pay a particular department and any sub-departments, if applicable. Important: this filter applies to the department that the expense reports (or payments to regularise) belong to, meaning the user’s department at the time they submitted the expense report (or received the payment to be regularised).
  • User(s): you can search for and list employee(s) to reimburse them separately.
  • Three date filters: very helpful if you only want to pay submitted, approved and/or controlled expense reports from before a certain date.


When you click on the ‘Pay’ button, Cleemy Expenses will begin by verifying that the banking information for all selected employees was properly filled in (only if you use SEPA format).

If the information from the user file is blank or incorrect, the payment will not take place and the employees whose IBAN or BIC needs to be updated will show in red. You can untick them and restart payment if you want to pay the others.


If the information is approved, a window opens where you can enter up to three dates:

  • The accounting date to apply to the payment (today by default)
  • If applicable, the desired date to perform the SEPA transfer
  • The estimated date for employees to receive the payment. By default, Cleemy Expenses adds the value from the ‘“waiting for payment” state for X days’ setting to today’s date. After reaching this date, the expense reports will move from the ‘Waiting for payment’ status to ‘Paid’

After saving the payment:

  • Employees concerned receive an email notification letting them know the payment to them was approved, with the total amount and details for each expense report.
  • The expense reports’ status changes to ‘Waiting for payment’, unless the estimated payment date is today, in which case it changes to ‘Paid’.
  • Cleemy Expenses makes the associated accounting entry, which can then be exported. The appropriate lines from employees’ personal accounts are matched.
  • A link appears that you can use to download the SEPA or CSV payment file.

Payment history

You can open the history tab to see your previous payments, show recipient employees, which expense reports were reimbursed with each payment and a link for downloading the associated payment file.

You can cancel the most recent payment as long as the associated entries were not exported to accounting.

Important: if your export format does not contain lines for the payments, the payment will not appear in the accounting entry file, but Cleemy Expenses still considers them to have been exported if the export included the payment log.

Employees are notified by email when a payment is cancelled.

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