Background information
In Cleemy Expenses’s accounting export module, you can generate journal entry files intended for your accounting and/or payroll departments, so you no longer need to re-enter transactions related to expense reports into your information system.
You must first have entered the information from your chart of accounts (and possibly your payroll chart) and determined the formats you want to retrieve the accounting and payroll entries in.
Cleemy Expenses exports
In Cleemy Expenses’s exports module, you can generate:
- journal entry files in the format used by your accounting software or ERP, using expense reports submitted by your employees;
- exports for your payroll software.
These two types of exports are not mutually exclusive: you can generate accounting entries or payroll entries only, but also generate both files simultaneously.
In the exports module, you will find:
- Filters allowing you to target the entries to include in the export;
- An overview of what will be exported, in the form of an accounting balance and list of entries. Simply click on the arrows to the left of the balance lines to show the credit and debit details by account;
- A tab for accessing your export history;
- A button for creating a new export using filtered data.
What entries can you export?
Cleemy Expenses’s accounting export module only exports approved and controlled expense reports that have not been exported yet.
This means there is no risk of generating double entries from Cleemy Expenses or exporting expense reports that have not gone through all the steps in your expense management process.
Each expense report has a type: employee or corporate card. You can export both types to accounting, but only employee expense reports will be exported to payroll.
Also, if you use Cleemy Expenses’s payment module, it is separate from the accounting export module: you can export expense report entries whether or not they have been paid. Likewise, an expense report that was already exported to accounting can be paid later.
Payment entries are not exported to payroll, only expenses and any one-time advances.
An exported expense report cannot be modified
After it is exported, you cannot modify an expense report. This ensures you will not cause differences between the data in Cleemy Expenses and in accounting.
If you notice an error in an exported expense report, you can:
- create a new expense report on behalf of the submitter, with negative expense amounts, which will be exported as credits on the expense accounts. This amounts to making a reversing entry in Cleemy Expenses.
- cancel all entries imported into your accounting during the export with the expense report that has to be corrected. Next, cancel the export in Cleemy Expenses to be able to edit the expense report again. Exports can be cancelled easily by going to the Exports menu and then Exports history:
Filtering journal entries you do not currently want to export
Certainly. You have several filters available:
- Legal entity: accounting for each of your companies is separated in Cleemy Expenses. Consequently, you must export entries company by company. A journal entry is linked to a company as soon as it is submitted; the expenses of an employee who transferred after submitting their expense report will be linked to their previous legal entity.
- Department: this allows you to restrict the entries being exported according to the submitters’ department. Important: this is the accounting entry linking service, not the one the submitter currently belongs to.
- Three date filters: these allow you to exclude expense reports that have been submitted, approved or controlled after a certain date. This way, you can decide to exclude from accounting expenses submitted late.
- A filter on the types of journals to export: this is particularly useful if you want to distinguish corporate cards (i.e. posted to a treasury/bank account) from employee expense reports to reimburse (i.e. posted on their personal account). Some entry types are excluded from payroll entries (company expense reports, standing advances and payments).
What entry file type will you retrieve?
Each legal entity can have its own export format: this is a template composed of rows and columns that tells Cleemy Expenses how it should create the file being integrated into your accounting software using expense report and chart of accounts data. Payroll files work the same way, using the payroll chart.
You can configure exports to accounting; setting up these export formats is explained on a dedicated page. Payroll exports only use predefined templates.
You can choose the export formats a legal entity will use in the ‘Management rules’ interface under the ‘Settings’ menu.
I clicked on ‘Export’
You will first have to tell Cleemy Expenses which accounting date to use for the journal entries being exported.
By default, the accounting dates are posted in Cleemy Expenses on the date they were submitted. However, when you begin creating a new export, you can decide to replace the exported entries’ accounting date with a date of your choice.
The export then begins. After a few seconds, a message of success allows you to download your entries. Two files will be created if you configured Cleemy Expenses to generate both accounting and payroll entries.
Viewing the export history
Naturally, you can view details (balance, list of expense reports and breakdown by journal) and re-download your journal entry files.
This is all available in the ‘History’ tab of the accounting export module.
As mentioned above, you can also cancel an accounting export from this interface.
Important: all journal entries that were included in the export will become editable and can be exported again. For this reason, we strongly recommend you do not cancel an export that you have already integrated into accounting!
Aside from accounting entries and payroll entries, you can also edit expense reports included in an export and download all electronic supporting documents associated with them.
Generating a payroll export
You can create a payroll export through the ‘Export’ module, just like accounting exports.
By default, all approved and controlled entries for the legal entity selected will be included in the export when you click on the ‘export’ button. Different filters exist to restrict the data that will be exported, if desired. Refer to export module documents for more information.
Please note that if your payroll software is configured to have data imports overwrite previous data (instead of having simultaneous amounts), you only need to complete one export per pay period.
Configuring payroll exports
Payroll exports are configured in two interfaces found in the settings menu:
- In the ‘Payroll chart’, you can indicate the payroll accounts on which you want the various amounts posted.
- In the ‘Exports’ tab under the ‘Management rules’ interface, you can indicate the export formats Cleemy Expenses should generate and whether it should post the VAT and pre-tax amounts on separate accounts.
Compatible payroll software
Currently, Cleemy Expenses only generates import formats that can be set up for Sage payroll, but we can configure formats specific to other payroll solutions: contact the help desk if you use different payroll software.
The Sage format is designed to use ‘free constants’. It includes 4 fields per line:
- User’s employee number
- Item type (systematically set to 255 to indicate that you will use a free constant)
- Item code (for the free constant)
- Item value (amount to post)