Setting up time accounting rules

Before you get started

The purpose of these rules is to account for variable items relating to working time management: overtime, night shifts, Sundays, etc.

Therefore, each rule looks at the employee's submitted attendance time, determines whether any variable items need to be deducted and enters them for compensation in payroll (payment) or in Timmi Absences (recovery).

Time accounts

Before setting up the time accounting rules, you need to create the time accounts that will collect these times. To do this, go to Settings > Time accounts and click on the "Create an account" button:


Give this account a name and a code and click on the "OK" button:


If you do not want this account to be visible on timesheets, click on the eye to hide it.

If the account is not a variable remuneration item account and time on this account can be automatically approved, click on the padlock to unlock automatic approval. (Note: To find out more about the approval process, see Manage the approval process).

You can organize accounts by clicking and dragging the bars to the left of each account.

Finally, save (top right).

Types of rules

Configuring time accounting rules from Settings > Rules.

There are several types of rules:

  • The overtime rule is responsible for calculating the difference between two time balances (between the employee's actual working time and the contractual working time, for example), and for recording the amount of this difference.


  • The "days off" rule makes it possible to record hours worked on a given day based on its nature: holiday, Sunday, weekly rest day, etc.


  • The "time range" rule is used to calculate the number of hours worked in a given time range, and more commonly to deduct night hours (between 21:00 and 06:00, for example).


The "accounting" rules do not deal with time entered by the employee directly, but with accounting movements that went through previous rules. This is the case for the following rules:

  • The "non-cumulative" rule is used to process combinations of variable items, allowing you to specify the increased amounts to be applied in the event of "non-cumulative" variable items (generally either the highest increase rate of the increased amounts considered, or a specific increased amount explicitly indicated).

  • The "accounting" rule is a catch-all rule responsible for carrying out miscellaneous accounting operations, like capping hours when the balance or movement over a period exceeds a certain threshold.

In Timmi Timesheet’s configuration, the rules are put in order because these accounting rules exist. They will deal with entries that previously went through the other rules.

Some clarifications about the overtime rule

It allows you to calculate the difference between two time balances, until reaching a certain upper limit.

The different time balances are described below:

  • attendance time is the total of the lengths of time appearing in the timesheet;
  • actual working time is the total of the attendance time and Timmi Absences absences integrated into actual working time (absence account setting in Timmi Absences);


  • paid time is the total of the attendance time and all Timmi Absences absences (except those taken on an account where a day submitted on this account is not counted as an absence);
  • contractual working time is the working time indicated in the work cycle assigned to the employee;
  • theoretical working time is the updated contractual working time after applying the public holiday calendar and any schedule customization done in Timmi Absences.

You can also calculate the difference using an absolute limit (the ‘Xth accounted hour’) and even relative to a previous rule’s limit.

Typically, this enables you to manage French overtime premium stages:

  • Calculating the weekly difference between the actual working time and the contractual working time within the 43-hour limit (inclusive).


  • Calculating the weekly difference between the actual working time and the previous rule’s limit (so starting from hour 44).




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