Understanding the Timmi Timesheet settings

Before you get started

Timmi Timesheet is based on a set of times and activities management rules.

This page will help you understand how to configure your Timmi Timesheet regulations.

If you wish to create a new regulation or modify the settings of an existing regulation, please consult this dedicated help page: Configuring a Timmi Timesheet regulation.

What is a Timmi Timesheet regulation?

Configuring Timmi Timesheet is done through regulations. A regulation is the restitution of the rules transmitted via the audit carried out with your consultant.

Whether you have chosen to manage employee attendance as attendance time or as attendance time to be submitted on activities (customers/projects), a Timmi Timesheet regulation combines:

  • the population of submitters designated by their work cycle
  • the submission time unit of your employees:
    • days (expressed in parts of a full day (1 day, 0.5 day, 0.25 day, etc.))
    • hours (number of hours: 1h, 2h15, 5h30, etc.)
    • schedules (08:00 to 09:00, 09:15 to 09:25, etc.). 
  • the frequency of employee submissions:
    • every week
    • each month (from the first to the last day of the month)
    • each month in complete weeks (if a month ends in the middle of a week, the last days of a month will be attached to the next timesheet to allow overtime to be recorded by the week)
  • the approval process
  • all checks, warnings and calculation rules for times submitted by your employees. 

An employee cannot be associated with two regulations in the same period. However, it is possible to move from one regulation to another, if the employee changes work cycle and the new work cycle is linked to another regulation. For more information, please refer to this help page.

You can find all these elements in the Timmi Timesheet settings module. 


Here you will find the submission mode (attendance or activities), the time unit, and the work cycles linked to the regulation, and therefore the employees concerned.

This section also includes rules concerning working time:

  • the approval process (or workflow): Should a reminder be sent to submitters? Should the manager be notified by email when a submission is made? Should I prevent my own timesheets from being approved? Should timesheets without variable items or warnings be automatically approved?

  • entry restriction parameters (ability to submit attendance time on a non-working day, etc.)


In these menus, you can define warnings for employee time entries. These are check points that conditionally trigger warnings or critical warnings on timesheets, notifying the manager when approving them, and detecting situations requiring special attention (additional approval step, escalation in reports, etc.)

These checks can cover numerous points, such as daily working time, range of schedules, working on a public holiday, minimum duration of breaks, etc. 

You also have access to customized warnings, also known as declarative checks. These are unrestricted checks consisting of a checkbox, a label and an error message if unchecked. These checks enable the implementation of rules that Timmi Timesheet cannot calculate itself, such as the daily rest period for managers on package days who do not submit their working schedules, or verification points that are not linked to the submission of working time.

These checks can be accessed directly on the timesheet of the submitters concerned

Time accounting

This is where the time accounts and related accounting rules you have defined with our consultants are configured.

Please note that we strongly advise against modifying them. Timmi Timesheet settings are complex, and you risk modifying the calculation rules for your payroll variables. If you need to change them, please contact our help desk. 

See this article for more details on how to set up time accounting rules.


If your regulations are set up in Activities mode, the last Axis application settings tab displays the analytical axes available in your database (in other words, your 'activities', 'projects', 'worksites', or any other analytical notion specific to your company). The axes selected are those that are activated in Timmi Timesheet for your employees to submit their time on activities.

Please note that analytical axis settings are shared by all regulations: if you activate an analytical axis in a regulation, it will be activated for all regulations in Activities mode.

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