Create and manage work cycles

Before you get started

Work cycles are used to define the days worked by your employees and more precisely to manage part-time or flexible full-time work. They are also used to indicate your hours or time entry based employee schedules.

Work cycle management is accessible by clicking on the settings icon at the top right of the screen, then on the "Work cycles” section. You must have the necessary permissions to access it.

Create a work cycle

To create a work cycle, click on the "New cycle" button and set:

  • the name of the work cycle: this will make it easier for you to identify it when you assign it to a user
  • its time unit: a work cycle can have different time units:
    • Days: half-days off and worked are indicated.
    • Hours: half-days off and worked are indicated and working time is also indicated for each half-day worked.
    • Time entry: half-days off and worked are indicated, and the exact working hours on each half-day worked are specified.
  • the establishments to which it is attached
  • Pattern format: a work cycle can have different pattern formats:
    • Weekly (one week): 7-day pattern, starting on Monday each week
    • Even/Odd weeks: 14-day pattern, the first week corresponds to odd weeks, the second to even weeks
    • Several weeks: pattern over a number of days in multiples of 7, starting on a Monday to be defined
    • Free: pattern over x days, starting on the date of your choice

Set days off, days worked, part-time days or weekly rest days

How to set a day not worked depends on the work cycle unit:

  • In Day units: Clicking on a half-day makes it not worked or vice versa. A grayed out half-day is not worked, a white half-day is worked.
  • In "Hour" units: A half-day is worked when the working time is entered. By clicking in the box and clearing the working time, it becomes not worked (grayed out).
  • In "Time entry" units: A half-day is worked when the working hours are entered. Clicking on the cross to the right of the field allows you to empty it and set a half-day not worked (grayed out).

When the day is not worked, you can select the type of day not worked. You can choose from:

  • days off: An absence on working days submitted the day before a day off will mean the day off is counted. 
  • weekly rest days: This day not worked will never be counted when the absence is submitted. There can only be one a week. 
  • part-time: The Part-time option must be selected (see image below) to be able to select this type of day not worked. An absence on working days or business days "counting all business days" (setting available in Timmi Absences Settings Accounts) submitted the day before a part-time day means the part-time day will be counted. 

  • flexible working: You must select the Full-time option (see image below) to be able to select this type of day not worked. Any absence submitted the day before a flexible working day or the afternoon before a flexible working morning will be counted.

Delete a work cycle

To delete a work cycle, click on the cycle in question and click on delete. Please note, you cannot delete a work cycle if it is in use.

Transfer users from one work cycle to another

Users can be batch transferred from one work cycle to another. To do this, click on the "Users" tab once the current cycle has been selected. Check the users you want to transfer; then click on the "Transfer" button. You will then be prompted to choose the alternative work cycle and the effective date of the change.

Assign a work cycle to a user

To assign a work cycle to a user, you must go to Employees User records and edit the work cycle data of the user in question.

You can assign a work cycle for a specified period of time and schedule work cycle changes in advance.

The work cycle is not mandatory data for a user who does not enter their time in Timmi Timesheet. If no cycle is assigned to a user, they are considered to have the default work cycle: days worked Monday to Friday, day off on Saturday and weekly rest day on Sunday. 

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