Before you get started
This help sheet explains the rounding rules that are used in Timmi Absences and how to edit them.
The different types of rounding systems used in Timmi Absences
There are two types of rounding used in Timmi Absences:
- Rounding each month which will be implemented if the number of leave days to be accrued over the accrual period divided by 12 does not come to a round number.
For example, an employee who needs to accrue 25 paid leave days per year will be credited with 2.08 days for two months and then 2.09 days for the following month. The purpose of rounding the leave in this way is to allow the employee to have a balance of 12.5 (25/2) days of paid leave halfway through the period. Indeed, if Timmi Absences did not do this monthly rounding, employee would find themselves halfway through the period with a balance of 12.48 days, which would prevent them from taking their half-day. This rounding is automatic and cannot be modified.
- A rounding at the end of the accrual period which will apply to the month of the last accrual. This means that the employee accrues their usual leave, plus an additional amount.
For example, an employee entitled to 25 paid leave days per year and having accrued 11*2.08 days over the first 11 months will have an available balance of 22.88 days in the penultimate month of the accrual period. If they are credited with 2.08 days, their balance at the end of the accrual period will be 24.96 days. Timmi Absences will therefore apply the rounding rule by crediting it with 0.04 days to obtain a balance of 25 paid leave days at the end of the accrual period.
This rounding can be edited because it is set up at the account category level (paid leave, comp days, etc.). Please note that the month of the last accrual may be the end of the account accrual period or the month of the end date of the employee's contract.
Changing the rounding rules at the end of the accrual period
You can change the rounding rules in the Setup Accounts module. Just click on the "Edit" icon for the account concerned, go to the drop-down list linked to the "Rounding of entitlements at the end of the accrual period" setting and select the rounding you want. Don't forget to save the changes. To find out more about account management, please see this help sheet on the topic.
Calculating rounding at the end of the period
The rounding is calculated in the last month of accrual according to the rounding rule defined in the account settings.
1. What is the last month of accrual?
The last month of accrual can be:
- Either the last month of the account accrual period (if the accrual period is greater than 1 month). For example, the month of May for an accrual from June to May, or the month of December for an accrual from January to December.
- Or the month of the end date of the employee's contract
2. Should the entitlement or the balance be rounded?
Let's take the example of an employee who is present throughout the year and who has taken a half-day of leave in advance:
- at the end of April, the employee has accrued 11 * 2.08, i.e. 22.88 days, and is credited with 2.08 in May, i.e. 24.96 days
- they have already taken 0.5 days of paid leave, so their balance is 24.46 days
If you apply the rounding rules to the accrued entitlement, then you will round 24.96 to 25 days (the rounding credit is 25-24.96 = 0.04).
If you apply the rounding rules to the balance, then you will also round 24.46 to 25 days when they have already taken 0.5 days (the rounding credit is 25-24.46 = 0.54).
We can therefore see here that with a rounding rule applied to the balance, the employee is credited with 0.5 days corresponding to the half-day taken.