Organizing establishments and legal units

Before starting

Your Lucca space administrator can already access the module to create new establishments and/or legal units.

First create the establishment, then follow the steps to associate the existing settings (regulations, exports, etc.) in the solutions with this establishment, according to the procedure: Step for each application: Add a new establishment to my Lucca solutions

If you need to add a new collective bargaining agreement, management rules, a chart of accounts or export settings, or if you want to make any change that will impact the settings for this new establishment or legal unit, please contact your sales representative. The Lucca help desk team can guide you if necessary.What is a legal unit and an establishment?

  1. The legal unit is a legal entity (legal or natural person) under public or private law. This legal entity can be:
    - a legal entity that is recognized by law as separate from the people or institutions that own it or are members of it;
    - a natural person, who, as an independent person, can exercise an economic activity.

    In France, the legal unit is the main unit registered with SIRENE, and thus identified by a SIREN number.
  1. An establishment is a geographically separate production unit, which is legally dependent on a legal unit.

    In France, all establishments receive a SIRET number, including legal units that operate in a single establishment.

A legal unit must declare at least one establishment (which will be its head office). An establishment can be attached to only one legal unit. The establishment will be located in the country of the legal unit. 

Impact of a change of organization

The legal unit and establishments are the foundation for setting up your environment.

They must reflect your payroll organization (payroll file) in order to simplify your administrative processes further down the line. 

More specifically, the establishment you wish to create will have an impact on each Lucca application, particularly on generating and managing exports.

Establishments are also used as filters to isolate a population during report creation, allocating paid leave, or distributing payslips.

Creating an establishment or legal unit

0. Before starting

Creating a new establishment or legal unit is an action that requires certain criteria to be met. Your request should meet the following requirements:

  • It should represent reality: a distinct company does exist within the group;
  • (or) it should represent a population subject to significantly different management rules and/or managed by a distinct administrator.

If you're sure that you need to create a new establishment (or legal unit), go to the cogwheel icon, then go to Organization > Legal units and establishments. You need to enter the following information:

      • the name of the establishment
      • its code (automatically generated when the name is entered, but can be modified; it serves primarily as an identification key for various data import/export operations, such as accounting and payroll exports)
      • its legal unit (and the country of this legal unit)
      • for France only: the SIRET number and NAF code of the establishment
      • Optional: public holiday calendar of the establishment

Once the establishment has been created, follow the various set-up steps, depending on the app: Step for each application: Add a new establishment in my Lucca solutions

Ifyou get stuck at one of the steps, contact the Lucca help desk.

1. Creating the establishment

Go to the cogwheel icon, then go to Organization > Legal units and establishments.


Create the establishment directly in the legal unit concerned (point number 1) or create a new legal unit (point number 2).

Then, fill out the information for your establishment.

2. Attaching a contract to the establishment/legal unit

In the next step, you can attach all your subscription contracts for Lucca solutions to this establishment. The employees at the new establishment will then be able to access the various solutions.

After this step, a confirmation message will appear.

3. Setting up your Lucca applications.

Once the establishment has been created, associate with the settings for each app.

Follow the various steps for each app: Step by application: Add a new establishment in my Lucca solutions

Attaching a new contract to an establishment

The procedure for attaching a contract to an existing establishment is similar. First of all, open the contract attachment tool for the desired establishment.

Then, edit the contracts accordingly.
Don't forget to follow the different set-up steps to attach the establishment to the configuration of your apps: Step by application: Add a new establishment to my Lucca solutions

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