Cancel a leave request

Before you get started

It is possible to cancel a leave request in Timmi Absences. This can be done by the user directly when the leave to be canceled is in the future, or by the administrator.

The user cannot cancel a request in the past. Only the administrator has the ability to do this.

This article covers the following points:

Cancel a request in the future

The user can cancel a future leave request from the "Request" tab.

Two options are available when you click on the request:

  1. If the request is not yet validated, the user can cancel the request by clicking on "Cancel the request". The request will be canceled immediately.
  2. If the request has already been approved, the user can cancel the request by clicking on "Request cancelation of this request".

In this second case, the cancelation of the request will be subject to approval by the manager. The request remains visible in green in the calendar until the manager accepts the cancelation.

Note: It is possible to set cancelation requests to not require approval (in Settings Accounts, Account Usage settings). In this case, the cancelation will be done immediately, without triggering an approval process.




If a cancelation request is in the process of being approved and has not yet been accepted by the manager, the correction or cancelation of the leave by the administrator is impossible from the Manage schedule tab.
If an administrator wants to cancel the absence, they will have to validate the cancelation request instead of the manager in the Approval tab.

Cancel a request in the past

Any absence request in the past (including the present day) cannot be canceled by the user.

They must contact their manager, if they have the right to delete or reclassify an absence, otherwise contact the administrator.

If the request in the past has been approved, only the administrator can cancel the request via the Schedule management module.

Partial cancelation

The administrator can edit or cancel a part of the request by selecting the relevant days in the Schedule management module.

The user cannot partially cancel or edit a leave request.
They must delete the entire initial period and submit a new absence request.

Note: For remote working, where cancelation is more flexible, partial cancelation by the employee can be authorized in your settings

To conclude

Request Not approved Approved
In the future User cancels their request User makes a request (to their manager) to cancel 
In the past Manager denies the request

Admin cancels from Schedule management.

NB: if the employee already requested a cancellation, then the manager will have to approve the cancellation request.


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