General statements module

Background information

The general reporting module is in Cleemy Expenses’s Reporting menu > General.

You can use it to generate two main families of custom reports:

  • Lists of expenses: Cleemy Expenses will search for all expenses that meet the filter criteria you have defined and display the information you selected in a table.
  • A cross-tabulation of expense amounts: For example, this allows you to analyse costs grouped together by employee and nature or by project and user, etc.

In all cases, you can export the report in CSV format (compatible with Excel).

Report types and their options

List of expenses


On this type of report, you choose a grouping method:

  • by user
  • by expense nature
  • by the submitter’s department
  • by the expense’s reimbursable/non-reimbursable status (i.e. whether it was paid by the employee or one of the company’s payment methods)
  • by analytical axes used: project, cost centre, client, etc.

You must then select what information will appear on each expense: submitter’s name, expense amount, comment, etc.

Most of the information related to expenses can be included in the report, including warnings.

Table of amounts including VAT

In this type of report, you must choose two focal points for analysis used to group costs, just like the lists of expenses. For example, this allows you to total expenses by employee, with a breakdown by expense nature for each employee.

You must then choose the time period grouping. The report will be split into as many columns as there are months, weeks or days during the period the report is generated for.

Below is an example of a report using monthly grouping by department and expense nature:


The cross-tabulations include subtotals by row and column. To make it easier for you to reprocess the exported versions of reports, they do not include subtotals.

Filtering the expense reports to be included in the report

You can use multiple filters to generate a custom report.


Reference date

You can choose from three types of dates:

  • The expense date, which is the date the employee incurred the expense and which will appear on their receipt.
  • The creation date of the expense report to which the expense is linked. In practice, employees often report expenses late: this way, you will not overlook expenses from May, but which were submitted in June in your June report, for example.
  • The expense report’s accounting date that you assigned to it during the accounting export. In this case, only recorded expenses can be included in the report.

Legal entity and department

If you use Cleemy Expenses on multiple companies, you can filter expenses by the submitters’ company or department (at the time they submitted the expense). You have the option to choose all companies in the lists of expenses only.


Here, you can choose to consider all expense natures or choose only some.


You can filter expenses by their status:

  • Submitted: the expense report has not been approved by the employee’s approver yet
  • Partially approved: if your approval workflow has multiple steps and it has not been approved by all approvers yet
  • Approved: all approvers have accepted the expense report (independent of accounting control)
  • Refused or Cancelled: see below
  • Controlled: the accounting control was done. Depending on your settings, this step occurs before, after or at the same time as approval.
  • Paid: the expense report has left Cleemy Expenses’s workflow, it will move on as is to your accounting.
  • Exported: the expense report was exported
Comment on expense reports with the ‘Refused’ or ‘Cancelled’ status. When an expense report is rejected entirely by an approver or cancelled by the person who submitted it, it is not deleted: Cleemy Expenses creates a copy of the expenses it contains and sends them back to the person who submitted them. The old expense report leaves the workflow and will not arrive in your accounting. However, for traceability, you can find it in the reports, even though it did not generate a reimbursement.

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