Background information
Users may find themselves with guests on some types of expenses, whether these attendees are colleagues or people outside your organisation. These expense natures can be selected in the ‘Invitations’ report, for example, to regularise users’ restaurant vouchers or to calculate the average cost of their meals.
Configuring an expense nature with invitations
To provide the option to claim attendees on an expense nature, you must change its configuration in Settings > Natures.
In the ‘Type’ section, you can:
- Select ‘Restaurants and invitations’ in the drop-down list.
- A new line appears where you can choose the ‘Invitation category’ that covers the expense: this influences control of intersecting invitations.
All the invitation categories entail controls on intersecting invitations based on the category chosen, except the ‘Other invitation’ category.
Lastly, tick the type(s) of attendees allowed on this nature:
- The ‘Internal’ box means the user can choose another user from all the iLucca website users, whatever their legal entity.
- The ‘External’ box allows the name and organisation of a third party to be entered when creating or modifying an expense.
Tick the ‘At least one attendee must be entered’ box if you want to require the submitter to enter at least one attendee, whether internal or external. For more information about external attendees, click here.
If there is a requirement for at least one attendee to be entered, a new line will appear: this box gives the submitter the option to indicate whether or not they participated in this event.
Meals without attendees
You may want to include expense natures without invitations in the meal calculation report. This is particularly useful for employees’ restaurant meals when they are alone: their meal was financed by their expense report, so a lunch voucher should be regularised for them.
To do this, simply leave the three boxes unticked in the nature’s settings: users will not be able to enter attendees, but these expenses can be included in the ‘Invitations’ report.
External attendees
When you create a new contact, an attendee will either be public or private.
For public attendees, Cleemy Expenses keeps track of these third parties in the database. This way, when the user starts entering the name of an existing attendee, Cleemy Expenses will automatically suggest contacts with similar names who have already been invited by any other user.
However, this information is not currently included in the ‘Invitations’ report.
To configure creation of a new contact, you can visit the page dedicated to expenses with non-company attendees.