Importing employee data

Before getting started

The import module allows you to import new employees with their data and/or update the data of existing employees. 

Preparing your file

The import file must be in a semicolon-delimited CSV format. In the first column(s), it must include the Lucca login data:

  • either the establishment/payroll number pair (make sure you keep the right format for the payroll number before importing; the "0"s may end up being deleted in .CSV format)
  • or the employee's login
  • or the first name + last name; we recommendonly using this method if you cannot use one of the first two methods. We also would like to highlight that you need to be very vigilant regarding the spelling of the "first name + last name" pair in order to avoid creating any duplicates in your Lucca space.

Some data items are required; you'll find the list and corresponding import codes in the following help sheet.

For more information on creating the import file, go to the "How to create the import file" section.

Import procedure

Accessing the import module

You can access the import module by clicking on the Employees tab (1), then clicking on the Update menu (2) and finally Data import (3).  

Selecting the file

Select the CSV file containing the Poplee data to be imported by clicking on the "Select a file" link.

Testing the file contents

Once the file has been selected (please note you will only be able to select files in the right semicolon-delimited CSV format mentioned above), the content is analyzed to highlight any errors.

The headers will be analyzed first. If there are any unrecognized headers, you can select the data be to imported and restart the file analysis: 



Make sure you only keep the columns of identifying data that you want to edit. Any other column will have to be deleted in order to avoid editing unwanted information.

A test will then be carried out on the entire file. There are two possible types of warnings:

  • Critical errors, in red, correspond to the lines that will be disregarded during the import.
  • Warnings in orange correspond to points that are non-blocking for import, but require specific attention.

You can edit the data directly in the interface and restart the analysis: 

Importing the file

Once the file has been validated, you can start the import by clicking on Continue.

Automatic import

An automatic data import can be scheduled via this module from the "No automatic import" settings at the top right then clicking on "Configure automatic import". 

Here, you need to:

  • set the time you want imports to be triggered;
  • define the corresponding remote file.

You can also set up the notifications to be sent.

  • Send a notification every time there is an automatic import, when certain users are created, or when there is an error. The email sent will be in the following format: 
  • Send a notification email to each user created. The email sent will be in the following format:

A correspondence table can also be managed between the data labels in the import files and the matching data in Lucca (see link on the top-right "Set match codes"). For more information, take a look at our help sheet on the topic.

How to create the import file

Regardless of the data to be updated, the first column in the file must be the login only or the establishment + payroll number combination.This is the data that the import module uses to identify the users to be updated.

If you are have any doubts about the format of the file, you can click on "Information on the expected file format" 

You need to create the right number of columns for the data to be updated, naming the column headers with the Poplee data codes (these codes can be viewed by clicking on "View all available data" in the expected file format information box).

However, the format of these headers differs depending on the type of data to be imported. For more information on the Poplee data types, refer to the help sheet: Various Types of Data in the HR File

The file format expected by the import module is CSV (semicolon separators). To get a CSV file from an Excel spreadsheet, simply click Save as and select "CSV (separator: semicolon)".

Simple data items

This is the simplest scenario: each data item to be imported is in a column in the import file. The order of the columns does not matter. Thus, in the example shown below, the import file contains an update for the following simple data items: Email, Date of Birth, Department, Profile, Occupation category, Calendar, and Language.

Compound data items

Compound data cannot be imported directly (it does not have its own code). All of the different compound data items must be imported with one column per component. 

Example of "emergency contact" data consisting of a name and a telephone number: the import file must contain two columns, one for the "Name" (e_emergencycontact_name) and one for the "Phone" (e_emergencycontact_number).

Contract data items

Importing contracts allows you to create contracts for your employees in bulk or update existing contract data. 

To create and edit contracts, the first column must contain the employee login and the second must contain the contract start date.

To create contracts, the following data is required:

  • Employee login;
  • Contract type;
  • Contract start date;
  • Establishment.

To edit existing contracts, the identifying data to be put in the first columns is:

  • Either the employee login + contract start date pair;
  • Or the ID of the contract to be edited.

If you do not have Poplee Core HR, contracts do not need to be imported when creating your users. Importing users will serve to create your users and their contracts.

Secondary roles

You can add multiple secondary roles via a single file by separating them with a comma.

By default, the values are added to the current values. In "Advanced import options", you can activate a setting to replace this data.

Multi-occurrence data items

Importing multi-occurrence data allows you to import one piece of data per file. 

You must import a CSV file in UTF-8 (default) or ANSI format, with a semicolon separator. 

You need to identify users by: 

  • Their login: to be entered in the first column
  • or the establishment/payroll number pair: To be entered in the first two columns

The following columns must contain the data to be imported, or the components in the case of compound data.

To enter multiple occurrences for the same employee, you will need to add the same number of rows as occurrences: 

The headers must match the data item's code. You can find all the available data from "Information on the expected file format" > All available data.

You can also generate the file template from the home page: 

You can add new occurrences, edit one or more occurrences, or delete all existing occurrences and replace them with those in your file. Here is the best way to proceed: 

Adding new occurrences

To add new occurrences, just import a file containing only the occurrences you want to add. To do this, you can generate a template without incorporating existing values. 

Editing one or more occurrences 

To edit one or more occurrences, all you need to do is generate a template incorporating the existing values. The latter have an identifier that you should not edit. All you have to do is edit the values desired. 

If you add new occurrences to the file, they will be added to the existing ones. In this case, you do not need to specify an identifier, which will be assigned automatically.

Deleting and replacing

If you need to replace all occurrences in the database, you have to generate a file without incorporating the existing values. Then, just fill it with the new values and import it by editing the following advanced option: 

If a user is in the file, the import will delete all occurrences in the database for the imported data, and replace them with the values in the file. If there is no value, then the import will then simply delete the values currently found. 

If a user is not in the file, the import will have no impact on the existing values. 


If you start an import procedure and you edit some values in your file in the interface, a "draft" import will automatically be created. 

If your session times out, you quit the module by mistake, or you simply don’t have time to finish the import, you can start your import again from where you were by going to drafts, and clicking "Continue":

Note: To explain it more simply, updating the three Poplee data types has been dealt with separately. However, you can create an import file containing simple, compound, and multi-occurrence data items to perform a full update in one import. The important thing is to respect the format of the column headers according to the data type and always use the user logins in the first column. 

Specific data

Work cycles

Although this is multi-occurrence data, user work cycles are imported via a user data import. You can only import one work cycle per import.

To import this data, you will have to specify the following elements in the import file: 

Data code


Possible values


Work cycles

List of work cycles (general settings: cog wheel icon)

userWorkCycles.start (optional)

Work cycle start date


userWorkCycles.end (optional)

Work cycle end date


Expense approvers

For the Cleemy Expenses app, you can import expense approvers through a user import. This import can be completed using the first and last name of the expense approver, where the code to be used will be Cleemy ExpensesApprover. You can also import the approver from their login using the code CleemyApprover.login.

FAQs for employee data imports

Error message: "XX refers to two values"

If you get this error when the values are completely different, the problem is that theheader is not accurate enough. For example, you need to replace "manager" with "manager.login".

Standard template

If you can't download the user data file template from your Lucca environment, we recommend taking a look at this sample file for importing employee data.

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