Before you get started
The Pagga Payslip solution allows you to distribute your company's payslips in a digitized version in a few steps.
Access to the module depends on a permission and your role.
Distribution is a 3-step process:
- Import
- Analysis (with manual linking if necessary)
- Distribution
At the end of this article, you will find the correction methods in the event of an error or multiple imports, by period.
Importing payslips
- Click on Import payslips
- Select the corresponding pay month
- Select the source file containing the payslips to be distributed.
The file may be a set of individual PDF files or a .zip file containing all the payslips in PDF format.
You will launch the import by clicking on the Import button
Analysis and linking payslips to employees
Once the source file has been imported, Pagga Payslip divides up your file and analyzes it.
If Pagga Payslip cannot find a 100% link between a payslip and an employee in your environment, you will be prompted to manually link them as part of an intermediate step:
(1). If no employee name(s) is identified in the page, a preview is available by clicking on the Page no. X link (2). While viewing the payslip, you can manually link the corresponding employee using the drop-down list Attributed to... (3).
Once all the payslips are linked, you can move on to the Distribution step using the Next step (4) button.
Before proceeding with the distribution, Pagga Payslip provides a summary and lists the following:
- The number of payslips that will be distributed (with the list of employees concerned)
- The number of unrecognized payslips or payslips that are to be printed
During the distribution, the employees are notified by email that their payslips are available in their Pagga Payslip space (the Notify by email box must be enabled).
The last step of the process is to download the remaining payslips to be printed by clicking the Download payslips (1) button, in order to physically distribute them to the employees who have not signed up to the Pagga Payslip service.
If you have employees who are in several establishments, you can use a personalized period.
Bonus: Personalize the notification sent by Pagga Payslip after distribution
The notification email can be personalized using the View or edit email template link.
Your personalized message will be inserted in the generic email sent to users after distributing the payslips via Pagga Payslip, which you will find in the image below.
Email subject: Your payslip for the period from 09/01/2020 to 09/30/2020 is now available for download.
Email body:
Your personalized message will be inserted in the area highlighted in yellow (no limit on the size of the expandable area).
Defining a personalized period
Pagga Payslip defines one payslip import per period (per payroll month) by default.
However, you may need to import other documents over the same period or even have a one-off distribution, that is not one calendar month (e.g. amendment and generation of a new payslip...)
To do this, you have the option of personalized periods.
Accessible in Distribution > Import payslips; check "Personalized period" (1)
(2) Personalize the name of your distribution, and distribution period
(3) Import your files
(4) Import.
Re-importing a previously imported period
Re-importing a previously imported period replaces the last import performed. By clicking on "choose a file" for the import you want to re-import, you can attach the corresponding new file.
Deleting an Import
You can delete a payslip distribution directly in Pagga Payslip by clicking on the trash can as shown below.
The deletion will be applied to all the payslips.
Warning: If you delete a distribution that you made in a previous month, this deletion will not be adjusted on your invoice (Example: An import performed on 01/01/2021, and deleted on 05/10/2021). On the other hand, if you delete a distribution performed during the current month (Example: performed on 05/01/2021, deleted on 05/10/2020), there will be no effect on invoicing. Pagga Payslip is counted at the end of the month.