Operation and implementation of the connector with Paychex
How the integration works
- Solutions involved: Core HR
- Type of integration: flat file
- Integration direction: Lucca to Paychex
Setting up the integration
This implementation requires a modification of the settings on Lucca:
- creation of a user export in the format required by Paychex.
- creation of a section in the HR file with the necessary data for Paychex
All data in the table must be created for the export to function correctly.
The bold data is mandatory; we recommend marking it as such in your Lucca configuration to ensure it's not overlooked.
The following data: "Gender", "Marital status", "Tax class", "Religion", "Parent", "Part time work", "Job group", "Type of employee", "Input control - intern", "Setting Factor No.- Intern", "Average 9" should be created as drop-down lists.
Once in the export configuration, you'll need to set them up so that only the number is uploaded to the file. To do this, in the data configuration for the export, check "Define the number of characters in the cell", then check "Limited" > indicate 1 and check "right" for "truncation of completion". Save.
For Religion, you need to indicate 2
For the data "Agreed gross" and "Accident days", you can set the default value to 1 in the export. To do this, when adding the data to the export, click on "Constant value" and enter 1. Add and save.
You can read these help sheets to help you :
Le paramétrage de cet export doit être le suivant :
- File name: Paychex export
- Format: CSV
- Encoding: ANSI
- Culture: English
- Date format: dd/MM/yyyy
- Field separator: Semicolon
- Decimal separator: Comma
- Include in the export file: Check "Only modified employees" and "Created and updated employees"
- File structure:
Lucca Data | Export Code | Mode of correspondence/comment |
Company number | Firmen-Nr. | |
Employee number | Personal-Nr. | |
Surname |
Nachname | |
First name | Vorname | |
Gender | Geschlecht | m = male w = femal |
Street | Straße o. HausNr. | |
House Number | Hausnummer | |
House numbers additional | Haus-Nr.-Zusatz | |
Zip code | Deutsche PLZ | |
City | Wohnort | |
Date of Birth | Geb.datum | format dd/MM/yyyy |
Marital Status | Familienstand | 1 = single 2 = married 5 = divorced 6 = widowed |
Start date | Eintritts-Datum | format dd.MM.yyyy |
Leaving date | Austritts-Datum | format dd.MM.yyyy |
IBAN | IBAN-Nr. | |
Tax ID | TIN Steuer-Ident. | 11 characters max. |
Tax Class | Steuerklasse | 1 to 6 |
Religion | Konf.Arbeitnehmer | ev = protestant rk = catholic leave empty if no religion |
Child allowance | Kinderfreibeträge | |
Health insurance | AN-Krankenkasse | |
Social security number | Sozialversich.Nr. | |
Place of birth | Geburtsort | |
Weekly working hours | Wochen-Arb.zeit | |
Daily working time | tgl. Arbeitszeit | |
Cost centre | Stammkostenstelle | |
Job description | Beschäftigungsart | |
Parent | Zus. PV-AN-Anteil | 0 = without additional nursing care 1 = with additional nursing care mandatory insurance 2 = with additonal nursing care voluntary insurance |
Nationality | Staatsangehörigk. | |
Hazzard class | 1.GTS - | |
Social security group | Personengruppe | |
Art of work (Activity) | TTS-Tätigkeit - | |
Education | TTS-Schule | |
Job education (Training) | TTS-Ausbildung | |
Temporary work - mandatory | TTS-Leiharbeit | |
Form of contract | TTS-Vertragsform - | |
Payroll group | Abrechnungsgruppe - | |
Part time work | Teilzeitbesch. | 0 = full time job 1 = max. 10 hours a week 2 = under 15 hours a week 3 = under 18 hours a week 4 = max. 20 hours a week 5 = max 30 hours a week 6 = over 30 hours a week, but no fulltime job |
Hourly rate | Faktor 1 | |
Total contribution private health insurance | Freiw./Priv.KV-Ge - | |
Total contribution private nursing care | Freiw./Priv.PV-Ge - | |
Pension expenses private health insurance | Priv. KV abzugsf. - | |
Pension expenses private nursing care | Priv. PV abzugsf. - | |
Agreed gross | Vereinb. Brutto | always 1 |
Job group | Berufsgruppe - |
1 = normally office job 3 = worker (not in an office) 14 = retirement |
First/second job | Beschäftig.-Verh. | |
Type of employee | Arbeitnehmertyp - | 1= hourly base 2 = monthly salary |
Input control - intern | Einsteuerung - intern | 1= hourly base 2 = monthly salary |
Setting Factor No. - intern | Einst. Faktor-Nr. - intern |
1= hourly base 9 = monthly salary |
average 9 - | Anzahl Monat Du-9 - | 0= hourly base 1 = monthly salary |
Accident hours | UV-Stunden | always 1 |
Accident Insurance | 1.BG - Accident Insurance | |
KV Contribution Group | KV-Beitragsgruppe | |
RV Contribution Group | RV-Beitragsgruppe | |
AV Contribution Group | AV-Beitragsgruppe | |
PV Contribution Group | PV-Beitragsgruppe |
Update data via an import in Lucca
If you need to update employee data in bulk, please refer to the relevant page: Importing employee data