Importing workplace schedules

Prerequisite: to access the import module, you need to have the required permission. 


To avoid having to manually enter a large number of workplaces (remote working, offices), Timmi Office lets you mass import your employee's schedules (for the past or future).

In the import module, you have a choice between two import types:
- Import by date: enter the employee schedule for each date entered in the import. Example: Martin works in the office on Monday, September 24th, Tuesday, September 25th, and Thursday, September 27th, and remotely on Wednesday, September 26th, and Friday, September 28th.
- Import by standard week: enter employees' schedules for each day of the week. Example: Martin will work at the office on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and he will work remotely on Wednesdays and Fridays for the next six months.

The next steps:

  1. Select the import type: by date or by standard week
  2. Retrieve the import template
  3. Fill in the columns of the file according to the information provided on the format. Then, reimport the file.
  4. Start the analysis: the file will be analyzed to detect any potential errors. 


Import by date

Required format

The following information needs to be completed in the file:

  • login: user's Lucca login
  • firstName: User's first name
  • lastName: User's last name
  • workLocationName: Workplace name, as defined in Settings > Workplaces (e.g. remote working, business trip, office)
  • areaName: Area name, as defined in Settings, if you have split your site into areas and want to assign an area to the employee
  • date: Date to be completed
  • position: position over the day: all day = FullDay; morning = FirstHalf; afternoon = SecondHalf


Martin Dupont is working at the "Paris" office in the "Sales" area on Monday, September 24th, Tuesday, September 25th, and Thursday, September 27th, and he is working remotely on Wednesday, September 26th, and Friday, September 28th.

Make sure that you don't delete the first row at the top of the file.

File analysis

Once you have uploaded your file, you can start its analysis. Any conflicts and potential errors will be displayed:

You can choose to either ignore the errors or correct them in a new file.

Rows with warnings can be resolved in the next step. If there is data that conflicts with the data already entered in the schedule, you can choose to either:

  • Keep all existing data: the existing data will take priority over the import data
  • Overwrite existing data: the existing data will be replaced by the import data

Once the file has been imported successfully, the schedules will be populated. 

Import by standard week

File format

Importing by standard week populates employees' schedules for each day over a specific period (1).
There are several options:

  • Keep all data: If data has already been entered in the schedule, it will take priority over the import data
  • Overwrite existing data: If data has already been entered in the schedule, it will be replaced by the import data
  • Only replace data generated by the import: If data has already been imported into the schedule, it will be replaced by the data from the new import

You can also choose to save standard weeks for employees. These standard weeks can be found and edited in your Preferences.

The following information needs to be completed in the file:

  • login: user's Lucca login
  • firstName: user's first name
  • lastName: user's last name
  • workLocationName: Workplace name, as defined in Settings > Workplaces (e.g. remote working, business trip, office)
  • areaName: Area name, as defined in Settings, if you have split your site into areas and want to assign an area to the employee
  • dayOfWeek: Day of the week: Monday | Tuesday | etc.
  • position: position over the day: all day = FullDay; morning = FirstHalf; afternoon = SecondHalf

Example: Martin Dupont will work at the "Paris" office in the "Sales" area on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and he will work remotely on Wednesdays and Fridays for the next six months.

Make sure that you don't delete the first row at the top of the file.

File analysis

Once you have uploaded your file, you can start its analysis.

Any potential errors will be displayed. These errors may include: wrong workplace name, incorrect login for an employee, no area assigned, etc.

You can choose to either ignore the errors or resolve them by correcting them in a new file.

Once the file has been imported successfully, the schedules are populated. 

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