The import module allows the bulk update of fixed remuneration items and employee variables by importing an Excel file. In Pagga Compensation, go to Settings > Import > New Import.
The file format
The file must satisfy the following conditions:
- file format: Excel (.xls or .xlsx)
- a header row containing the names of the file columns
- one row per employee and per remuneration value to be imported
- the remuneration amounts must be imported in "non full-time reconstituted" format for part-time employees. For example, if a part-time employee earns €3,000 per month working at 80% of full-time, the amount of 3,000 should be imported.
It must contain 8 or 9 columns:
- The identifying column(s): either the login or the payroll number/establishment pair
- User's last name
- User's first name
- Type of remuneration
- Validity start date (of the payroll item)
- Validity end date (of the payroll item, cells can remain empty if the item has no end date)
- Monthly amount
- Comments (this column is not required)
The header title and the remuneration types can have a different spelling in the file and in the Lucca system: you must correct the spelling when importing the file.
Import process
Step 1: Creating and importing a file
Click on New import. You may create your Excel file from scratch or download a template from the interface.
Click on Select a file to import your file. Fill in the fields on the right-hand side of the screen (establishments, date formats, decimal separator) and continue.
Step 2: Qualifying the file columns
This step allows to attribute the columns in your file to Lucca data. The module makes a proposal: you must make the necessary modifications in case of inconsistencies.
Step 3: Identifying remuneration types
Similarly, this step allows to link the remuneration types in your file with the remuneration types in the Lucca system. Use the drop-down lists to select the right remuneration type in Lucca. You may also ignore a type if you prefer not to include it in the import.
Step 4: Checking the imported data
This final step is a summary of the data that is to be imported.
If the file does not contain any errors, you may proceed and finalize the report.
If the file does include errors, red warning signs will appear. You have two options:
- Continue to import: the lines containing errors will be ignored
- Download the file and correct the errors
In the interface, each error comes with a descriptive message. Examples:
The date format does not match the format stated when the file was uploaded (step 1).
There is a duplicate of this remuneration in the file (lines 1, 3).
We are unable to find the employee for this payroll number/establishment pair.
If you download the file requiring corrections, the error messages appear in comment form to facilitate modifications.
Once the file is modified, import it again and finalize the operation.