Adding or editing a direct line manager

Before getting started

With the direct line, Poplee Engagement gives employees the option of anonymously sending a message to management or to the people you configure (works council, HR, etc.), on any topic relating to their employee satisfaction (quality of working life) and working conditions within the company without having to wait until the next survey.


Why set up this direct line to management? 

As an employee: to be able to pass on feedback or pose questions to management all year round, without having to wait until the next survey on the subject they want to discuss

As an HR/works council team: to embody a company culture that is open to suggestions and thus strengthen your employer brand

As Management: by receiving these comments, you’ll be able to discuss the matter directly with the anonymous employee. It’s therefore a very good way for CEOs or management to be able to maintain a connection with field teams.


What management sees: 

Ce que la direction voit.png


What the employee sees: 

Ce que le collab voit.png

The employee will always be anonymous, but they can see who will be able to read/reply to their message.


Who manages the direct line? 

Being the direct line manager means that the person (or people) in charge can receive confidential messages from employees and can reply to them.


By default, this permission will be selected in the Administrator role. If this isn’t the case for you, because you were a client before the direct line feature was launched, you can go and select this permission now.

If there are multiple managers, you’ll be able to see if a manager has already replied to the message. This way, no messages received will be forgotten.


How to add or edit managers 

To add a direct line manager, you simply need to go into the Role Administration section and create a secondary role, in which you select the "Manage the direct line" permission.


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