Editing a training course requested by an employee

Before getting started

Editing a training course for a request lets you respond to the following use scenarios: 

- An employee has submitted a request for a training course, you want to register them for a similar training course without having to refuse the first request and enter a new request for the second;

- An employee has submitted an off-catalog request even though there's a training course that meets their needs in the public or private catalog;

- Multiple employees have submitted the same off-catalog request and you want to register them for the same training course;

- You have published a "generic" training course in the catalog (for example, "Skills assessment", without specifying a provider) and before accepting a request, you want to attach it to the right training course, so that you can register it later;

- You want to archive a training course but in order to do so, you need to transfer requests in progress to another training course.

For all of these cases, you can learn how to edit the requested training course without having to create a new request and refuse the initial request.

To edit the training course for a request, you'll need to have the permissions "Access to the request management module" and "Administer Poplee Training". 

Editing the training course for an off-catalog request

In the "Not in the catalog" tab of "Requests to be processed", go to the request to be edited and click on "Edit the training course". Then, select a new training course from the catalog and approve it.

Once you've approved the new training course, the request will be transferred into the "From the catalog" tab for it to continue through the processing workflow.

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Editing the training course for a request from the catalog

In the "From the catalog" tab of "Requests to be processed", go to the request to be edited and click on "Edit the training course". Then, select a new training course from the catalog and approve it.


Who is notified when the administrator edits the training course for a request? 

The employee and their manager receive an email notification informing them that the request has been edited.

Is the priority overwritten when the training course is edited?
No, if the request had already been prioritized, the priority level is retained when the training course is changed. You can still edit the priority level to adapt it to the new training course, if needed.


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