[Accrual via rules] How to correctly manage the renewal of my employees' contracts.

Before starting

The accrual via rules manages consecutive contracts. For the accrual calculation to be done correctly, the contract end date should not be edited once an Employee settlement has been executed.

In general, editing the dates of a contract so that they correspond to a new contract does not accurately represent the reality and should therefore not be done.

My employee has left the company and is coming back for a new contract, or my employee is renewing his/her contract, what do I do?

When employees return to the company for a new period, it is essential to create a new contract for them. If their old contracts are reused by editing the start and end dates, the accrual will not take place.

This also applies if employees' contracts are renewed (temporary contract, work-study program, internship).

The procedure to correctly manage an employee's change of contract is the following:

  • At the end of the first contract:
    • Enter the departure date in the employee's HR file.
    • Perform the Employee settlement in the "Accrual" module
  • For the new contract:
    • Create a new contract in the employee's HR file, enter the start date (and other information)
    • Edit the employee's accrual profile if this differs from the first contract.
    • Allow the accrual to take place as normal if the credit is monthly and allocated at the end of the month. If the credit is monthly and allocated at the start of the month or annual and allocated at the start of the period, please refer to the help page [Accrual via rules] How to calculate the leave entitlements of a new employee or an employee who is leaving the company.


Specific case of clients with Timmi Absences since a date preceding April 2023 - My employee is no longer being credited since my base was migrated, what should I do?

This can only concern migrated bases, and is not related to an accrual bug. The lack of credit following the migration is due to an anomaly in the settings of the employee contracts. Accrual via profiles (before migration) did not manage consecutive contracts well and tolerated:

  • the editing of contract end dates,
  • the execution of several Employee settlements for the same contract.

Accrual via rules no longer allows this, which means that the ends of contract are better managed in Timmi Absences.

Consequently, if you routinely edit your employees' contract end dates and execute Employee settlements, this is likely to be the reason that your employees are no longer being credited. So what do I do now?

We recommend starting again on a sound basis in the following way:

  • Close the current contract by choosing a contract end date corresponding to the last credit allocated to your employee.
  • Create a new contract that starts on the day following the closure. The two contracts must be consecutive,* if the end of contract falls on a Friday, the new contract will start on a Saturday*
  • Re-run the rules for the employee concerned for all months when no accrual occurred.
  • Change your habits and create new contracts as from today, a contract end date should only be edited if the employee's date of departure does actually change 🙂

I can't find my employee in the "Employee arrival/departure" block, why is this?

Is your employee subject to yearly accrual? This is the only case where employees are listed in the block. An employee on monthly accrual therefore will not appear, and this is not a bug.

Is your employee's HR file complete? To find out, go to the "Profiles to be completed" block in the "Actions to be taken" module. If your employee's HR file is incomplete, he/she will not be credited.

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