Logging in to Mobile Apps (old versions)

Warning, the authentification method using the password is no longer available.

Background information

Lucca has three mobile apps for the Timmi Absences (Leave & absences management), Cleemy Expenses (managing expense reports) and Poplee (managing HR data) solutions. All three are available on the Google Play Store and Apple AppStore.

Login methods

There are three authentication methods for signing in to Lucca’s mobile apps: magic link, mobile connection code and SSO.

As a Lucca admin, you can activate o deactivate the authentification methods in the Lucca solution in the section "Authentification, SSO and API" and the page "Authentification and SSO settings".


Magic link

Logging in using the magic link is certainly the simplest method if you get your work emails on your mobile phone. To do this, tap ‘Log in’, enter your email address and tap ‘Log in’ again. You will then receive an email with a link that will authenticate you so you do not have to enter anything else.


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Mobile connection code

You can also generate a mobile connection code from the ‘My account’ page of your Lucca site (‘Login information’ tab). Tap ‘Get an authentication code’ and enter it into the mobile app to sign in. You do not have to enter your email address.



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Your mobile app keeps you signed in as long as you use it regularly. After one month of non-use, you will have to re-authenticate yourself.

To log out of an app, tap on the top left (three horizontal lines) and then tap ‘Logout’.


Connection via SSO

Depending on the configuration, you can connect to the Timmi Absences and Cleemy Expenses applications via SSO from you connection page.  





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