Connector operation and setup with Octime
Other integrations with this partner: Poplee Core HR
How the integration works
- Solutions involved: Absences
- Integration type: flat file on an SFTP
- Integration direction: Lucca to Octime
To find out more about this publisher, visit their Marketplace sheet
Setting up the integration
The export needs to be carried out each day in badging system mode.
A full export allows you to export all new data since the last export, with no time limit. It is used to export data to a badging system or scheduling tool, for example.
Please note: We can't import data retrieved from Octime into the Lucca Absences module.
You'll need to set up a full export within the Absences solution, following these settings to structure the file:
1. General settings:
- Export name: Octime
- Export template: Full export
- Data management: Absences
- Establishments: Up to you
- FTP uploading: activated (and select your FTP file)
2. Sections:
You can find the sections required by Octime at the following link: export sections
3. Files:Â
- File type: Text (.txt)
- Contains: Creations, Corrections, Delays
- Splitting: One line per period
- Separator: Yes
- Separation character: Semi-colon (;)
- Decimal separator: Comma
- Encoding: UTF-8
4. Edit structure:
col.1 | col.2 | col.3 | col.4 | col.5 | col.6 | col.7 | col.8 | col.9 |
00ENT |
Start date of the export period Format: yyyyMMdd Framing option: Cell size: 8 |
End date of the export period Format: yyyyMMdd Framing option: Cell size: 8 |
A | N | N | N | N | Empty cell |
col.1 | col.2 | col.3 | col.4 | col.5 | col.6 | col.7 | col.8 | col.9 | col.10 |
20ABS |
Employee payroll number Framing option: Cell size: 15 |
Event start date Format: yyyyMMdd Framing option: cell size: 8 |
Event end date Format: yyyyMMdd Framing option: cell size: 8 |
Section Framing option: Cell size: 4 |
Event marker (morning, afternoon, day) one morning = 1 one afternoon = 2 one full day = D Framing option: Cell size: 1 |
Empty cell | Empty cell | Empty cell |
Data type (creation, correction, delay) |
File preview