RégliCe by Horloges Huchez 🤝an attendance, time tracking, and time management solution

Connector operation and setup with RĂ©gliCe by Horloges Huchez

This integration was developed by Horloges Huchez

How the integration works

      • Solutions involved: Timesheet

      • Integration type: API

      • Integration direction: RĂ©gliCe to Lucca

      • Integration frequency: Daily

      • Setting up the integration: You can't activate the connector by yourself. You'll need to get in touch with your contact point at Horloges Huchez

Synced data
When syncing data, RĂ©gliCe will transfer the following data:
    • Sending time submission start and end times

This integration is primarily recommended for populations set to "Time entry with range" (= with office hours) in RĂ©gliCe

To sync the first and last names of your employees between Lucca and RĂ©gliCe, you need to:
  • Create a customized field by clicking on the cog wheel > organization > custom fields 
  • This attribute should have the "reglice" code; you can enter the heading that you want to use
If you don't have this option, please contact your Lucca help desk
Once the attribute has been created, you'll be able to find it in the "Application information" section of your employee's files. You'll need to enter Yes for this data item if you want the employee to be synced with RĂ©gliCe.
Setting up the integration in Lucca
To activate the badging system option in your employees' files, you'll need to go into the regulation involved and edit the time entry option. To do this, you'll need to go into Settings > Time entry options > Prefilling feature option > select "no prefilling - virtual badging system"

To set up the integration, you'll need to go into your Lucca space:

  1. Click on the rocket icon in the top-right corner of your Lucca space
  2. Click on "🔌Integrations" in the left-hand sidebar
  3. Search for the relevant application
  4. Follow the instructions to create your pre-configured API key
    The technical contact should be the email address of your contact person for the publisher
    The API key will be created automatically with the permissions required to set up the integration.
  5. Follow the steps below to send the API key generated and the URL to the publisher

If the "Install" button does not appear in step 4, this is may be because you don't have the "Application management" permission in Lucca. Please add it or ask the Lucca help desk for guidance on how to do so.

Connection steps to be completed in RĂ©gliCe

You'll need to get in touch with your contact person at Horloges Huchez to set up the connector.

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