Putting money into your Cleemy Payment account

Before you get started

The Cleemy Payment account functions like a traditional account: you can transfer funds to the account, manage payment methods, track balances and transactions and download bank statements. To use this account and the associated Cleemy cards, you must put money into it by making a transfer from your bank. 

Putting money into your Cleemy Payment account

To transfer euros from your main bank account to your Cleemy Payment account, simply add your Cleemy Payment account as a beneficiary and make a SEPA transfer. 

To find the bank details for your account, go to Cleemy Payment, then click on “Bank details”. From this tab, you can copy and paste your Cleemy Payment account’s IBAN and BIC. You can also download your bank details in PDF format.

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We recommend using SEPA transfers to pay money into your Cleemy Payment account. Cash transfers that use another network may incur an exceptional charge of €5, laid down by our partner Swan, or they may be rejected. This is the case for cash transfers using the SWIFT or TARGET2 networks, or domestic transfers in AFB160 format.

If you are unable to select the type of transfer yourself, you can contact your bank directly.

Going further 

As a manager, you can set up notifications at any time when your account balance reaches a certain threshold. This ensures that your account always has enough money in it.

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