Shared documents - Legal obligations in France

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The Shared documents applications enables you to centralize and provide access to public HR documents, such as internal regulations or remote working policies. Employees are notified if any new documents are uploaded, and they are free to view and download shared documents as they wish.

Click  on this link to watch the explanatory video (4 minutes tops).

Legal conditions for the provision of important HR documents

In France, employees must be provided with several human resources documents. These must be up to date and must comply with legislation.

Here is a list of the main mandatory documents:

  1. Internal regulations: This is mandatory for companies with more than 50 employees and must include provisions relating to discipline, health and safety at work as well as information on rights of defense for employees.
  2. Collective bargaining agreement: The employer must provide employees with a copy of the relevant collective agreement. This must be available as a hard copy or in digital format, in each company establishment.
  3. Mandatory to display: Some information must be shared publicly with the company’s employees, notably:
    - Contact details of the labor inspector and the occupational physician.
    - Working hours and weekly rest periods.
    - Fire safety instructions.
    - Information on professional equality between men and women.
    - Contact details for the emergency services (fire brigade, ambulance, etc).
  4. The document for the assessment of professional risks (DUERP): This document is mandatory for all companies, it must be updated at least once a year and be accessible to all employees.
  5. Annual report: For companies with more than 300 employees, the annual report must be updated each year and provided to staff representatives.
  6. Collective agreements: Any relevant corporate collective agreement must be brought to the attention of employees, generally through display or being published on the company’s Intranet.
  7. List of staff representatives: Contact details of staff delegates, members of the works council or trade union delegates must be displayed.
  8. Occupational risks prevention plan: This plan must be made available to employees in companies with more than 50 employees.

These documents promote transparency and guarantee that employees are aware of their rights and the employer’s obligations when it comes to health, safety and working conditions.

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