Create internal training in the catalog

Before you get started

Poplee Training allows you to delegate the management of your training sessions to your internal trainers, while giving your HR department a clearer view of these actions.

However, the creation of in-house training courses in the Poplee Training catalog is reserved for administrators with the "Administer Poplee Training" permission added to their role.

Add an in-house training course to the catalog

Internal training can be added manually (Administration tab > Training courses) or imported (Settings tab > Import training courses). 

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A good practice is to define a provider with the same name as the company.

- Identify the internal trainer(s) authorized to provide training to employees.

- Pre-creation of the company as provider. A good practice is to define a provider with the same name as the company.
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It is important to note that when creating a session for a training course that can be delivered by several trainers, you must select a single trainer for the session.

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