Survey submitted: How to add participants, edit questions, or edit the survey duration?

Before starting

Your survey is already in progress but you’d like to make some edits to it? No problem! Here’s a guide on what you can adjust once the survey has been sent out.

Why didn't some employees receive the survey?

There are three possibilities:

  • There's an error in targeting participants. For example, you selected a single department when you wanted to send the survey to the whole company
  • Your role is incorrectly set up: You are a Poplee Engagement administrator for the France establishment only, so the "All departments" scope will only apply to this establishment.
  • Some employees joined the company after the survey was sent out, so they were not targeted.

How do I add more participants?

Poplee Engagement allows you to target the participants in a survey according to several criteria: establishment, department, job, manually (by selecting each employee in the list). It’s you who defines who you wish to send the survey to in your survey’s settings. By default, your entire perimeter (the employees you have rights to) is selected.

If you forget to include a department in your survey, or new colleagues join the team in the meantime, no problem! You can add additional participants at any time, even after the survey has been launched. To do this:

  1. Go to your survey’s configuration page
  2. Click on the "Recipients" tab
  3. Click on "Add employees"
  4. Select the new employees who I want to send the survey to, then click on "Send the survey"Ajout collaborateur.png

Can I edit the dates of my survey?

Once the survey has been sent, you can still edit:

  • The closing date for your survey
  • The reminder date for your survey

If your survey has not yet been sent out, you can still edit the date when it will be sent.

Can I edit the questions in my survey?

It is not possible to add questions once the survey has been sent out, nor to edit the type or the required nature of existing questions. However, you can still adjust the title of questions already in your survey.

⚠️ Note: Please ensure that any edits to titles do not alter the meaning of the questions, in order to preserve consistency and reliability of the results.

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