Assessing skills in a review

Before you get started

To assess skills in a review, you must first have launched a campaign with a skills type question. Read this article to find out more. 

Displaying the qualification skills in a review 

If you have added a Skills type question with the Skills linked to the qualification option then the job skills of the assessed employee will be automatically displayed in their review. 

For each skill, the expected qualification level is indicated, and the employee has the option to assess themselves on the scale you have defined, and add a comment if need be to justify their choice.
If you have filled in the skills descriptions, they will provide more context to help your employees assess themselves. 

Displaying one or more specific skills, not linked to the qualification 

If you have added a Skills type question with the Other Skill option then this skill will be displayed in the form for assessed employees regardless of their qualification. As it is not a skill associated with their qualification, the "expected level" is not visible.

To go further 

Skill not applicable 

If the employee or manager thinks that the skill cannot be assessed because it is not applicable, do not click on a level and enter a comment explaining why the skill cannot be assessed. 

Translating skills

Skills are displayed in the language of the logged-in user. So, if you have translated the skills into different languages, they will be displayed in the user's language or in the default language if there is no translation. 

Assessing the skills of several employees at once

If a reviewer has to assess several employees, they have the option to do group preparation and assess the skills of their various supervised employees in bulk. Read this article to find out more about group preparation. 

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