Before you get started
It is possible to send a reminder to submitters and approvers who have late timesheets (to be submitted or approved) directly from Timmi Timesheet, in the reports module. A timesheet is considered to be late when the last day of the timesheet has passed.
Viewing the "Late submitter and approver reminders" dashboard
This dashboard displays all the late submitters in "late submitters", starting with those with the largest number of unsubmitted and overdue timesheets. The same logic applies in the "Late approvers" tab: approvers with the most timesheets pending approval are at the top of the list.
You can send a reminder to all the late submitters (or approvers) by selecting all of them, or selecting only specific people.
You can apply filters to better target the late submitters (or approvers) you want to remind:
- the "degree of delay" filter is applied by default to "all delays". Note that we display late timesheets for the past 6 months. You can filter "less than one month late" to see only submitters with timesheets that are a few weeks late (in the current month for example), or "more than one month" late.
- You can also refine the list of late submitters (or approvers) by filtering department(s) or establishment(s).
Writing the reminder message
After selecting the late submitters (or approvers) to be reminded, you can click on "Write a reminder message". You are free to write whatever text you want. If you are looking for inspiration, we provide a text from the "inspire me" button, which you can edit before sending.
How to access the reports module
The late submitter (or approver) reminder is accessible from the Timmi Timesheet reports module for all users with the "generate reports" permission activated in the role administration module. If some of your approvers do not have access to the reports module and thus to reminders in Timmi Timesheet, you must activate the following permission: