Importing previous reviews in PDF format into Poplee Performance

Before getting started

Do you have reviews that have been completed outside of Poplee Performance? Import them into the solution. These reviews can be downloaded from the employees’ My reviews tab. The recommendation wizard will also take review dates into account to show you upcoming review due dates (professional, 6-year, etc.) so that you can schedule them.

  1.  If you don’t have any reviews in PDF format to import, you can still import the dates only.
  2. The review import does not use OCR (Optical Character Recognition): it will not read the content of the reviews, only the description under certain conditions, which are detailed below.

How to import reviews

Go to the Settings (1) tab in the Reviews section and click on “New import”(2).

Note: To access this tab, you'll need the Import review history permission in your Poplee Performance role (help page). 

1. Preparing the files

 The reviews to be imported need to be in PDF format and put in a ZIP archive.

2. Importing the ZIP archive

Then drop the ZIP archive containing your PDF files into the box provided for this purpose in Step 2.

Note: Only PDF files are supported and there is a limit of 80 MB and 150 files for the ZIP archive. If your zip archive exceeds this size or number of reviews, split it up and import the excess in a new import. 

3. Download and complete the CSV file to associate the PDFs with employees

Once your ZIP archive has been uploaded, download the CSV file and enter the missing mandatory information to associate the PDF files with employees.

Description of data required in the CSV file 

CSV file header  File name Employee login Campaign category Campaign name Review date Reviewer login





Mandatory. Mandatory. Mandatory. Optional (but the data must still be included in the header) 
Description  The name of the review in PDF format 

The identifier (Lucca login) of the employee concerned by the review.


A list of possible campaign categories is given below.

The campaign name (the one that will appear on the review in employees' "My reviews" tab)

The review completion date (mandatory).  The identifier (Lucca login) of the reviewer.
Is the data pre-filled? Yes, it is entered automatically.

Can be entered automatically by the import module under certain conditions, which are listed below.


Can be entered automatically by the import module under certain conditions, which are listed below.

No. No.

Preview of the CSV file to be completed 

Automatic entering of Employee identifier (login) and Review date data.

In some cases, our import can recognize the employee concerned by the review in PDF format, as well as the date, and can automatically enter this information in the CSV file:

Recognition of the employee identifier (login): this is possible if the Last Name and First name of the employee entered in the description of the PDF review (the import module will not read the content of the review) are identical to those entered in their user file, and if the separator between the Last Name and First Name in the file description is a period, space, dash, or underscore. 

Automatic recognition of the review date: this is possible if the review date in the employee’s PDF file description is written in the format DD MM YYYY or YYYY MM DD and when the separator is a period, space, dash, or underscore.

Note: Using uppercase or lowercase text has no impact on the recognition of the employee.

Example of automatic recognition: the Last Name and First Name of the employee Marie Bragoulet in her employee file correspond to the Last Name and First Name entered in the description of an uploaded review. The import module supports a separator between the two (a space). There is also a date in the description with a recognized separator (underscore). 

In this case, the module can automatically enter the login of the employee (employee login) and the date in the CSV file of additional information to be provided.


List of categories

For the Campaign category column, the following categories should be entered, depending on the language of your account. The categories cannot be customized. 

Categories in French Categories in English
Entretien annuel Annual review
Entretien professionnel Professional review
Entretien carrière Career review
Entretien retour de congé longue durée Long-term leave return review
Rapport d'étonnement Discovery report
Fin de période d'essai End of trial period
Fin de contrat End of contract
Sondage Survey
Point d’avancement d’objectifs Goal progress report
Entretien trimestriel Quarterly review
Entretien semestriel Half-yearly review
Suivi de mission  Mission tracking
Entretien fin de mission End-of-mission review
Bilan à 6 ans 6-year review
Autre Other

What happens if the information in my file descriptions is not in the right format? 

If the last names and first names of your employees and their review dates are not recognized in the descriptions of the PDF format reviews by the import module, you can still manually associate them with the employee by entering the information in the CSV file.

If you have to manually enter the employee logins, you can retrieve these by running a report from the Employees tab. For more information, see this help page on the subject: Creating a User Data Report

4. Importing the completed CSV (UTF-8) file

Upload the completed CSV file in UTF-8 format in this step. 

5. Preview and validate the import

If the import contains errors (Missing data, Unknown category, Invalid date format or Login not found), you can identify them in the verification table which can be seen in Step 5, through the “Files containing errors” view, as shown below: 

Before finalizing the import, check that each review is correctly associated with the right employee in the verification table.  You can preview them by clicking on the file name, as shown below:

If the association between reviews and the additional information entered meets your requirements, validate the import. The reviews will be available for download in the My reviews tab for the employees concerned, as shown below: 

Note: employees aren't notified when a review becomes available. 

Find out more

Update and delete imports

You will need to delete the import if you have made a mistake in the import process or wish to change the content of an imported review.

You can delete an import from the import home page as shown below:

The reviews included in the import will be deleted and will no longer be available in the employees’ My reviews tab. 

Finalizing your import later

Don’t have time to complete the additional data in the CSV file?  You can easily exit your import in progress and return to it later via the review history import page. Only you will be able to see this import in progress. 


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